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Libguides Editing Guidelines

Creating a new guide from scratch

Start with Create Guide on the LIbguides home page.

When you create a new guide, in most cases you'll use a layout with navigation on the left.

It's found under Side-Nav Layout. You can choose "automatic profile box" or "no profile box."
Use this for most Course, Subject, or Topic guides.

New layouts
We have some new layouts available. We're calling these Blueprints. See our Blueprint guidelnes for when to use these different layouts.

Name your guide - Use something simple and direct.

Name your first page

  • The default name for the first page is now Introduction (not Home).
  • Feel free to change it to something more specific, such as Getting Started, Background Information, or whatever makes sense.

Leave it blank (It makes the guide cluttered and too wordy).

Guide types

  • General purpose - for guides that are landing pages, or portals to other guides, like our Tutorials page
  • Course guide - for a specific course
  • Subject guide - for a subject-based guide (broad disciplines)
  • Topic guide - for very specific topics, such as LGBTQA+ Awareness
  • Internal guide - for guides for staff that are not intended for the public (but in some cases might show).

    NOTE: if you are making a subject, course, or topic guide you must include a tag if you want it to show up on the landing page for Subjects, Courses, or Topics. See the list of tags.  (This applies to Main Library & HSL only. We haven't yet set up a system like this for Special Collections).

Group assignment

Be sure to select the correct group. The top banners and/or look & feel are different for each of these.

Share guide content

  • Choose No for internal guides.
  • Choose Internal if you want others at UA Libraries to be able to copy your guide as the basis for one they are creating.
  • Choose Community if you want to make your guide available for copying by any library that uses Libguides.