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Libguides Editing Guidelines

Videos - Vimeo

Embed a video

1. Visit the video page:

2. Select the paper airplane icon in the upper right (share).

3. Next to Embed, click "show options." This will display more options under the video.

4. Change the radio button from fixed size to "responsive." (This will make the video size dynamically for different sized screens).

Uncheck all the other options except Byline.

5. Now click the code in the Embed box to highlight and copy it. This is the code you're going to paste into your guide.

6. In your guide, open a Rich Text box. Click Source to switch to the HTML source code view.

7. Paste the code into the box.

8. Save & Close. Now you'll see your view preview in your Libguide editing view.

9. Hit the preview button (upper right of your guide), to see how it will look to the public.

10. It should look something like this.

Here is that same video embedded in this page. If you make your browser screen bigger or smaller you'll see the video resize dynamically.

This is one of the reasons we prefer Vimeo to YouTube or Panopto. They don't currently offer responsive embed code (though Panopto says it's on a future development list).

How to upload videos you've created - Vimeo

If you have created a video that you would like to embed in your guide, the best place to upload it is to our UA Libraries Vimeo account.

Contact Nicole Hennig for the username and password.
(UA Librarians with Libguides account only).

Upload your video
1. Click on New Video, then Upload. For "Who can see your video" choose "Anyone with the private link."

2. While it's uploading, enter the following:

  •     title
  •     description (leave blank)
  •     privacy = only people with the private link
  •     language = English (United States)
  •     content = all audiences
  •     industry  = leave blank (no need)
  •     checkbox: Enable video review page = unchecked (no need)

    NOTE: Since this account is used for marketing, it's best to make your instructional videos "unlisted." That way they won't show up on the channel, but you can still embed them on any web page. Do this by selecting "people with the private link" in the menu called "who can watch?" (This setting is the same as the "unlisted" setting on YouTube).

    Once the upload is complete, hit Save, and then "go to video."

3. Click Settings (gear icon)

  •     Thumbnail. Choose Edit Thumbnail, then start to play the video, stop on the first scene and click "Select this frame." This will make the first screen of your video show in your embedded page before a viewer hits play. (A much better choice than the random scene that would appear otherwise).
  •     who can watch? = people with the private link
  •     where can this be embedded? = anywhere
  •     who can comment = no one
  •     people can download = no
  •     people can add to collections = no
  •     leave all other defaults
  •     Save

4. Go to Embed (in sidebar)

  •     Controls: playbar, volume, fullscreen = YES
  •     Actions: all = NO
  •     Your details = byline = YES, all others = NO
  •     Customization = show Vimeo logo = NO

5. Go to Distribution (in sidebar)

  •     Language = English, United States
  •     Content rating = All audiences
  •     Creative Commons license = choose the option you prefer

5. Copy the link (like this one:


The UA libraries has a service that does captioning for us.

To have your captions created, send your video link to Margaret Verebelyim ( If you have a written transcript of your video, send that along with your request.

She will send it to the service that does the captioning. She will notify you when they are ready (it usually takes a few days) and they will automatically appear in your video on Vimeo.

You can proofread the captions to make sure they are correct and tell her about any corrections that are needed.