To link to a book from the catalog, click Add/Reorder and choose Book from the catalog.
Find the ISBN of the book, enter it, and click "Get Book Info."
In most cases, it will find and fill in the Title, Author, Date, Description, and cover image.
You may keep the description, write your own, or erase the description if you're just doing a list of titles.
Use Proxy? -- keep it on No.
If the book doesn't come up when you search by ISBN, but you know it's in our catalog, you can manually enter the information. Include the permalink from the catalog for linking to the full record.
If no cover image is found, you can choose "default blue" or "default white" from the menu.
If you choose "other" you'll see an option to add your own cover image.
See Book cover images on our page about images for your libguides to learn more about how to add a cover image and what to use for its alt text.