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PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology

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Elizabeth Kline
Main Library A403
(520) 621-7209

Research paper requirements

You are required to find and read a research article from a scholarly journal in psychology and complete a paper (3-5 pages in length) summarizing the research. Additionally, you will need to submit the article you plan to summarize by the third exam to get approval to do the paper. The paper is due by the last day of classes for the semester.

Step 1: Notify instructor

Notify your instructor via email before the first class exam of your intent to pursue the paper option.

Step 2: Locate an empirical study

What is an empirical study?

An empirical study reports the results of a study using data from observation or experimentation. Many different types of methodologies are empirical including meta-analyses and experimental studies. An empirical study will include:

  • An abstract
  • An introduction
  • A method section
  • A results section
  • A discussion/conclusion section
  • References


How do I find empirical studies?

PsycINFO is a library subscribed database that provides access to research literature in psychology and related fields. You can filter your results list to limit only to locate empirical articles as follows:

Enter your search terms, (DO NOT hit the Search button), scroll down to the Methodology section, then select Empirical Study, click the Search button.

See the steps in a video loop.

Step 3: Getting started

Now that you know how to find empirical articles, you need a psychology topic to research. If you need help finding a topic, review some topics from the American Psychological Association (APA).

Unfamiliar with scholarly journals in psychology? Review the following list from APA.

If you are still unsure about scholarly journals in psychology or need help with a topic, consult with your instructor. 

Step 4: Find an empirical article using PsycINFO

With your research topic at hand, use the following database to help you find an empirical article.

Select an article, read it, and take notes to begin forming your outline. Remember to save the article for submission later.

Step 5: Send your instructor a copy of the empirical article

At this point, be sure to email the instructor a copy of the article you plan to summarize (before the third exam). You are not approved to do the paper until this step is complete, and the instructor has responded.

Step 6: Write your paper

You are expected to clearly demonstrate that you read and understood the research article. Complete a paper (3-5 pages in length) that contains a synthesis of each of these elements:

  • research question(s) addressed or the hypothesis(es) tested
  • methods used
  • findings
  • strengths
  • limitations (if any) to the study

Things to avoid

Don’t select an article that is too technical or advanced for your skills/understanding.

Do not select a literature review for this assignment. While they are good for summarizing research that has been previously published on a topic, they are not in itself research, and you cannot receive credit for this assignment by summarizing a literature review.

Popular or non-scholarly articles are not appropriate for this assignment.

Step 7: Submitting your work

Submit a copy of your research paper along with a copy of the research article to your instructor as a hard-copy. The paper is due by the last day of classes for the semester.



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