This collection contains photographs and negatives, copyprints, photocopies, slides, and contact prints depicting wide-ranging subject matter regarding Jewish individuals and institutions. These photographs reveal the role of Jews in the establishment of commercial, religious, and other communal institutions in the American West during the second half of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth century.
The Capin family moved to Arizona in 1906 and opened their first business soon after that. Records of the Capin family business enterprises consist of business records, ephemera, photographs, paste-ups and advertising, and newspaper articles relating to the Capin family, the Capin Mercantile Corporation, and its predecessors.
Fred Rochlin was born in 1923 in Nogales, on the Arizona-Sonora border. The collection includes material relevant to the history of Jewish individuals, commercial operations, and communal institutions in Arizona. It primarily consists of autobiographical reminiscences, copies of historical records, correspondence, newspaper clippings, interview transcriptions and notes, photographs and postcards, and scholarly and popular articles and excerpts.
Lionel (1840-1922) and Barron (1846-1936) Jacobs arrived in Tucson in 1867 to open a general store that would serve the mining camps and military establishments in Arizona. The collection consists of materials documenting their business during the 1870s.