Instructional Design & eLearning


Tool What it's good for Who has access Examples Notes
Unsplash Find photos that are free to use anywhere without need for attribution. Free to anyone.

Photos on the tutorials entry page.

Photos on the guides entry page.

Make a free account if you want to save collections of images for future use.
Pixabay Find photos, illustrations, and clip art that are free to use anywhere without need for attribution. Free to anyone. Used in some of our tutorials and entry pages. Make a free account if you want to save your favorite images for future use.
Pexels Find photos, illustrations, and clip art that are free to use anywhere without need for attribution. Free to anyone. Photos on the HSL Tutorials & Guides page. Make a free account if you want to save collections of images for future use.
Adobe Stock Find photos and illustrations that are licensed to use in our campus account. Licensed to selected staff at UA. Photos in many of our tutorials and videos.