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Instructional Design & eLearning

Student feedback

"I think this was my favorite "assignment" section because it is very accurate, helpful, simple and important. I know a lot of students have a hard time with APA and MLA citing (me included) so the ability to have this tutorial is great. I enjoyed the option to do either APA or MLA depending on the professor's wants or the student's needs. I would argue this is the most valuable of the tutorials because it is used so commonly."

"I enjoyed this tutorial it was simple and easy to understand and I think freshman students in particular would benefit from it. I am a senior and I didn't learn how to create a search strategy until this summer in my Business Writing class. I think more students should learn this skill as early as possible in their college education because it really does make research easier."

"I think this tutorial did a great job of teaching the differences between a primary & secondary source and I believe that most students would find it easy to follow. As a Senior I was a bit surprised to realize that I hadn't been using the filters to their full potential when doing research so I think this tutorial would serve freshman well."

"I think the assignment was very similar to the hands-on practice. I like the repetition of having to refine the search over and over. It's very realistic that sometimes you won't like the results you're given back, but with some fine tuning, you can find something you were looking for."

More student comments.

Tutorial visits

Chart: tutorial visits by academic year

Semester Info literacy tutorials Database tutorials
Fall 2018 11,756 12,178
Spring 2019 13,458 10,716
2018-19 Total 25,214 22,894
Fall 2019 2,332 13,959
Spring 2020 11,520 14,145
2019-20 Total 13,852 28,104
Fall 2020 23,920 10,922
Spring 2021 20,800 18,953
2020-21 Total 44,720 29,875
Fall 2021 25,852 12,264
Spring 2022 19,862 10,266
2021-22 Total 45,714 22,530