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U.S. history microforms (20th century)

This is an index of the library's 20th century U.S. history microfilms and microfiche. For location info, see using microforms.

Guides are usually on top of the cabinet above their respective microforms unless stated otherwise.

AFL [American Federation of Labor] and CIO [Congress of Industrial Organization] pamphlets, 1889-December 1955, held in the AFL-CIO library
Micro- film 4730

A. F. of L. Rank and File Federationist [American Federation of Labor], 1934-1935 
Micro- film 5097

Afro-American History Series
Micro- fiche 1401

  • v. 1: Black thought in early America
  • v. 2: Slave narratives
  • v. 3: The black intellectual
  • v. 4: Pioneer drama and poetry
  • v. 5: Convention pamphlets
  • v. 6: Black voices, nineteenth century
  • v. 7-8: Slave narratives
  • v. 9-10: Miscellaneous writings

America 1935-1946: The Farm Security Act/Office of War Information Photographs 
Micro- fiche 951 in the Center for Creative Photography
Guide available at Center for Creative Photography and Main Reference

American Civil Liberties Union Records and Publications, 1917-1975 and Update 1974-1978 
Micro- film 4803

The American Missionary, 1846-1934 
Micro- film 4954

The American Missionary Association

  • 1850-1885: Micro- film 5063
  • 1860-1882: Micro- film 5064
  • 1860-1880: Micro- film 5065
  • 1835-1905: Micro- film 5066

Appointment Book of President  Kennedy (1961-1963)
Micro- film 6735

A Birdseye View of Indian Policy: Historic and Contemporary
Micro- fiche 1516

Black Culture Collection from Atlanta University
Micro- film 7318
Guide: GN 645 .B42 1972, Main Reference

Black Workers in the Era of the Great Migration, 1916-1929
Micro- film 7367

Board of Tex Appeals Reports, July 16, 1924-1942
Micro-fiche 238

Brief and Exhibit Digest before the Indian Claims Commission 
Micro- fiche 612, at Government Documents

Bureau of Indian Affairs Central Map File
Micro- fiche 1596

Centers of the Southern Struggle: FBI files on Selma, Memphis, Montgomery, Albany, and St. Augustine
Micro- film 7368

CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] Research Reports

  • Latin America, 1946-1976 Micro- film 6734
  • Africa, 1946-1976 Micro- film 7189

C.I.S. Index to U.S. Executive Branch Documents, 1789-1909 
Index Z1223.Z7 C64 1990, Main Reference

C.I.S. Index to Unpublished U.S. House of Representatives Committee Hearings, 1833-1954 
KF40.C54 1992, Main Reference

Colorado River Agency Books, 1879-1914
Micro- film 2455

Communist Infiltration of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and J. Edgar Hoover's Official and Confidential File on Martin Luther King, Jr.: F.B.I. Investigation Files
Micro- film 7433, reels 1-9 03430 8729

Conspiracy Trials in America, 1919-1953

  • Abrams v. United States (1919): Micro- film 4759
  • People v. Ferguson (1922): Micro- film 4757
  • People v. Lloyd (1922): Micro- film 4742
  • People v. Ruthenberg (1924): Micro- film 4758
  • Gitlow v. New York (1925): Micro- film 4761
  • Whitney v. California (1927): Micro- film 4760
  • People v. Mintz (1930): Micro- film 4753
  • People v. Horiuchi (1931): Micro- film 4749
  • State v. Boloff (1931): Micro- film 4752
  • Kessler v. Strecker (1939): Micro- film 4756
  • Gorin v. United States (1941): Micro- film 4755
  • Schneiderman v. U. S. (1943): Micro- film 4763
  • Bridges v. Wixon (1945): Micro- film 4750
  • United States v. Redin (1945-1946): Micro- film 4744
  • Marzani v. U. S. (1948): Micro- film 4743
  • U.S. v. Alger Hiss (1949): Micro- film 4764
  • Brownell v. Communist Party (1950): Micro- film 4747
  • Coplon v. United States (1951): Micro- film 4745
  • Dennis v. United States (1951): Micro- film 4746
  • United States v. Fujimoto (1951): Micro- film 4748
  • United Sates v. Rosenberg (1952): Micro- film 4751
  • Orloff v. Willoughby (1953): Micro- film 4754

The Constitutions and Laws of the American Indians
Micro- film 7086

Contemporary Newspapers of the North American Indian
Micro- film 4091

Council Meetings of the Major American Indian Tribes, 1907-1971 
Micro- film 6743
Guide: E76.C67 1982, Main Reference

  • Pt. 1, sect. 1, 1914-1956: Navajo, Five Civilized Tribes, Ute, Pueblo, Cheyenne, & Arapaho
  • Pt. 1, sect. 2, 1911-1956: Sioux, Chippewa, & Klamath
  • Pt. 2, sect. 1, 1957-1971
  • Pt. 2, sect. 2, 1957-1971

Crises in Panama and the Dominican Republic: National Security Files and NSC Histories, 1963-1969 
Micro- film 6730

Daily Diary of President Johnson (1963-1969)
Micro- film 7105

Daily Summary of Japanese Press [by the U.S. Embassy]
Micro- film 4801

Despatches from United States Consuls in: 
Note: All the guides listed are pamphlets.

  • Acapulco, 1823-1906: Micro- film 472; Guide: GS 4.20:M143
  • Aguascalientes, 1901-1906: Micro- film 1292; Guide GS 4.20:M285
  • Algiers, 1785-1906: Micro- film 7387
  • Chihuahua, 1826-1906: Micro- film 1282; Guide: GS 4.20:M289
  • Ciudad Juarez (Paso del Norte), 1850-1906: Micro- film 1003
  • Durango, 1886-1906: Micro- film 1298; Guide: GS 4.20:M290
  • Ensenada, 1888-1906: Micro- film 1297; Guide: GS 4.20:M291
  • Hermosillo, 1905-1906: Micro- film 1295; Guide: GS 4.20:M293
  • Jalapa Enriquez, 1905-1906: Micro- film 1299; Guide: GS 4.20:M294
  • La Paz, 1855-1906: Micro- film 1237; Guide: GS 4.20:M282
  • Matamoros, 1826-1906: Micro- film 1002; Guide: 4.20:M281
  • Mazatlan, 1826-1906: Micro- film 469; Guide: GS 4.20:M159
  • Mexico City, 1822-1906: Micro- film 1287; Guide: GS 4.20:M296
  • Monterey, 1849-1906: Micro- film 468; Guide: GS 4.20:M165
  • Nogales, 1889-1906: Micro- film 1236; Guide: GS 4.20:M283
  • Nuevo Laredo, 1871-1906: Micro- film 470 Guide: GS 4.20:M 280
  • Saltillo, 1876-1906: Micro- film 1305; GS 4.20:M300
  • San Dimas, 1871-1973: Micro- film 1288: Guide: GS 4.20:M442
  • Tampico, 1824-1906: Micro- film 1235; Guide: GS 4.20:M328 p
  • Tenerife, 1795-1906: Micro- film 7014
  • Tunis, 1797-1906: Micro- film 7386
  • Tuxpan, 1879-1906: Micro- film 1294; Guide: GS 4.20:M306
  • Veracruz, 1822-1906: Micro- film 467; Guide: GS 4.20:M183

Despatches from United States Ministers to:

  • Colombia, 1820-1906: Micro- film 1466
  • Liberia, 1863-1906: Micro- film 7452
  • Mexico, 1823-1906: Micro- film 466; Guide: GS 4.20:M 197 (pamphlet)
  • Morocco, 1905-1906: Micro- film 7384
  • Russia, 1808-1906: Micro- film 7017

Detroit Copper Mining Company, May 1897 to August 1912 [Journals, payrolls, time records, and ore and freight records of a mining company: operating in the Clifton-Morenci area of Arizona]
Micro- film 2957

The Diary of Henry Wallace, January 18, 1935-September 19, 1946 
Micro- film 6000

Docket Books, a record of the documents received by the Indian Claims Commission
Micro- fiche 920

Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1977

  • 1947-1977: Micro- film 6125
  • First Supplement: Micro- film 6737
  • Second Supplement: Micro- film 6738
  • Third Supplement: Micro- film 7574
  • Fourth Supplement: Micro- film 7575
  • Fifth Supplement: Micro- film 7576
  • Sixth Supplement: Micro- film 7577
  • Seventh Supplement: Micro- film 7711
  • Index: Micro- film: 7711

The Earl Browder Papers, 1891-1973 [Communist Party of the U.S.]
Micro- film 4493

Edward R. Murrow Papers, 1927-1965 
Micro- film 7104

El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977-1984 
Micro- fiche 1783 and 1-870
Guide and Index: E183.8.S2 E43, Main Reference

FBI File on:

  • The Black Panther Party, North Carolina: Micro- film 7432
  • The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC): Micro- film 7170
  • The National Negro Congress (NNC): Micro- film 7245
  • The Osage Indian Murders: Micro- film 7244
  • Paul Robeson: Micro- film 7246
  • The Reverend Jesse Jackson: Micro- film 7237

Federal Surveillance of Afro-Americans, 1917-1925: the First World War, the Red Scare, and the Garvey Movement 
Micro- film 7366

Foreign Travellers in the South, 1900-1950
Micro- fiche 639

Foreign Office files, United States of America. Series one, USA, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1960-1974 
Micro- film 7684 and guide

  • Pt. 1: The  John F. Kennedy Years, 1960-1963
  • Pt. 2: The Lyndon B. Johnson Years, 1964-1968

Foreign Office Files: United States of America. Series Two: Vietnam, 1959-1975. Part 4, Vietnam 1959-1975 and Part Five, Vietnam, 1964-1966.
Available from the Center for Research Libraries. Request via interlibrary loan.

General Accounting Office Reports before the Indian Claims Commission 
Micro- fiche 611, at Government Documents

Henry A. Wallace Papers at the University of Iowa, 1888-1965 
Micro- film 5098

History of Intelligence Activities under Gen. Douglas MacArthur, 1942-1950 
Micro- film 7431, reels 1-8 03430 8760

History of the Department of Justice (1963-1969) 
Micro- film 6747

History of the Federal Trade Commission (1963-1969)
Micro- film 6748

History of Women, 1901-1920
Micro- film 4797

Immigration, Special Studies, 1969-1982 
Micro- film 6638

Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 
Micro- film 7078

Indian, Pioneer Papers, 1860-1935
Micro- fiche 1169

Indian Rights Association. Papers, 1868-1968
Micro- film 7018
Guide: E93.I418, Main Reference

The John Collier Papers, 1922-1968 
Micro- film 7016
Guide: Z 6616 C715 P37, Main Reference

Journal, Daily Record of Findings, Opinions, Orders and Final Awards, 1947-1978
Micro- fiche 921

Transcripts of Oral Expert Testimony before Indian Claims Commission
Micro- fiche 613, at Government Documents

Indian, Pioneer Papers, 1860-1935
Micro- fiche 1169

Indian Rights Association. Papers, 1868-1968
Micro- film 7018
Guide E93.I418, Main Reference

Iran: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977-1980
Guide E183.8 I7 I73 1990, Main Reference
Micro- fiche 1843

Japanese Camp Papers, 1942-45
Micro- film 4720

The John Muir Papers, 1838-1914

  • Micro- film 7126
  • Micro- fiche 1336, Science-Engineering Library

The Johnson Administration and Pacification in Vietnam: The Robert Komer-William Lenhart Files, 1966-1968
Micro- film 7417

Joint Chiefs of Staff, Records of:

  • Part 1, 1942-1945
    • European Theater: Micro- film 6634
    • Meetings of the JCS and the CCS: Micro- film 6673
    • Pacific Theater: Micro- film 6672
    • The Soviet Union: Micro- film 6637
    • Strategic Issues: Micro- film 6646
  • Part 2, 1946-1953
    • Europe and NATO: Micro- film 6635
    • The Far East: Micro- film 2931
    • Meetings of the JCS: Micro- film 6677
    • The Middle East: Micro- film 2930
    • The Soviet Union: Micro- film 2932
    • Strategic Issues, Section 1: Micro- film 6674
    • Strategic Issues, Section 2: Micro- film 6675
    • The United States: Micro- film 6676

Journal, Daily Record of Findings, Opinions, Orders and Final Awards, 1947-1978 [United States. Indian Claims Commission]
Micro- fiche 921

Lake Mohonk Conference on the Indian. Report. 1883-1916 
Micro- fiche 523

League of Women Voters, Papers of, 1918-1974

  • Part I: Micro- film 6874
  • Part II Series A & B: Micro- film 6874
  • Part III Series A: [being processed]

Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files 1963-1969

  • Asia and the Pacific: Micro- film 7515
  • Asia and the Pacific, First Supplement: Micro- film 7516
  • Vietnam, 11/63-6/65: Micro- film 7517
  • Vietnam, Special Supplement: Micro- film 7519
  • Vietnam, First Supplement: Micro- film 7518
  • Vietnam, Second Supplement: [unknown/unavailable]

The MAGIC Documents: Summaries of the Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan: 1938-1945 
Micro- film 2929

Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service, 1916-present (Research Reports from Congressional Research Services at the Library of Congress) 
Micro- film 2757
Index: JK 1108 M35, Main Reference

Marcus Garvey: FBI investigation file
Micro- film 7434
Guide: 03430 8711

Martin Luther King, Jr. FBI Assassination File 
Micro- film 7085

Malcolm X, FBI Surveillance File, 1925-1965 
Micro- film 7084

Map Room Messages of President Roosevelt (1939-1945)
Micro- film 6434

Map Room Messages of President Truman, 1945-46 
Micro- film 6422

The Margaret Sanger Papers: Documents from the Sophia Smith Collection and College Archives, Smith College
Micro- film 7423

Mexican Immigration, 1906-1930
Micro- film 7369

Mexican Mission Papers of John Lind, 1913-1931
Micro- film 4270

The Military Situation in the Far East and the Relief of Gen. MacArthur (Senate Committee on the Armed Services)
Micro- film 4731

Minutes of Documents of the Cabinet Meeting of President Eisenhower (1953-1961)
Micro- film 2940

Minutes of Telephone Conversations of John Foster Dulles and of Christian Herter, 1953-1961
Micro- film 2941

The Mission of Arthur C. Millspaugh to Iran, 1943-1945 
Micro- film 4736

NAACP, Papers of:

  • Part 1, 1901-1950; Speeches, conferences, reports: Micro- film 7357
    • Supplement 1, 1951-1955: Micro- film 7358
    • Supplement 2, 1956-1960: Micro- film 7359
  • Part 7, 1912-1955, Anti-Lynching Campaign Investigative Files
    • Series A, 1912-1953: Micro- film 7360
    • Series B, 1916-1955: Micro- film 7361
  • Part 8, 1910-1955, Discrimination in the Justice System
    • Series A, 1910-1939: Micro- film 7362
    • Series B, 1940-1955: Micro- film 7363

Native Americans and the New Deal: the office files of John Collier, 1933-1945 
Micro-film 7412

The Native Americans Reference Collection: Documents collected by the Office of Indian Affairs
Pt. 1, 1840-1900  & pt. 2, 1901-1948: Micro- film 7413

Nixon's Indian Budget: Analysis with Tables
Micro- fiche 1515

The Occupation of Japan

  • Part I: U.S. Planning Documents, 1942-45: Micro- fiche 1402
  • Part 2: US and Allied Policy, 1945-1952: Micro- fiche 1402
  • Part 3: Reform, Recovery and Peace, 1945-1952: Micro- fiche 1402

The Official and Confidential File of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
Micro- film 7169

Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 
Micro- film 6391

Organizational Dynamics, Summer 1973-Spring 1980
Micro- film 6245

O.S.S./State Department Intelligence and Research Reports

  • Part I, Japan and its Occupied Territories during WWII: Micro- film 4723
  • Part II, Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, 1945-1949: Micro- film 4724
  • Part III, China and India: Micro- film 4726
  • Part IV, Germany and its Occupied Territories during WWII: Micro- film 4729
  • Part V, Postwar Europe: Micro- film 4727
  • Part VI, The Soviet Union: Micro- film 4728
  • Part VII, The Middle East: Micro- film 4725
  • Part VIII, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and the Far East Generally, 1950-1961 Supplement: Micro- film 2955
  • Part IX, China and India, 1950-1961 Supplement: Micro- film 2952
  • Part X, Europe, 1950-1961 Supplement: Micro- film 2953
  • Part XI, Soviet Union, 1950-1961 Supplement: Micro- film 2954
  • Part XII, Middle East, 1950-1961 Supplement: Micro- film 2956
  • Part XIII, Africa, 1941-1961: Micro- film 5105
  • Part XIV, Latin America, 1941-1961: Micro- film 6729

Pamphlets in American History (1820-1970)
Micro- fiche 621
Guide: Z 1236.P27, Main and Main Reference

  • Group I: Biography (General), Indians, Revolutionary War, Revolutionary War biography, Women
  • Group II: Civil liberties, Tariffs, Labor

Papers, 1912-1923 [Albert B. Fall]
Micro- film 6074

  • Reel 1-22: General correspondence
  • Reel 23-28: Miscellaneous correspondence from Senate office files
  • Reel 29: Miscellaneous correspondence from Senate office files. Colombia papers. Papers, Dept. of the Interior, l921-23, items 1-10
  • Reel 30: Papers, Dept. of the Interior, 1921-1923, items 11-16. Papers, Mexican affairs, from Senate office files, group A-E
  • Reel 31-36: Papers, Mexican affairs, from Senate office files, group F-Z
  • Reel 37-40: Papers on Mexican affairs
  • Reel 41-42: International oil file
  • Reel 43: Affairs & conditions in Mexico, 1916-1923

Papers, 1932-1965 [Americans for Democratic Action]
Micro- film 4808

Papers, 1921-1969 [Countee Cullen]
Micro- film 4157

Papers from the President John F. Kennedy Association records Collection
Pt. 1, Kennedy Administration Policy for Cuba: Micro- film 7712

Papers of Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1915-1950
Micro- film 7661 r

The Papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D. : Including the Papers of Maria Keller Montezuma Moore and the Papers of Joseph W. Latimer
Micro- film 6709

The Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933-1945
Micro- film 6873

The Papers of John Foster Dulles and Christian A. Herter, 1953-1961
Micro- film 7665 and guide

The Papers of John Peabody Harrington in the Smithsonian Institution, 1907-1957 
Micro- film 6707

Papers of Mary McLeod Bethune
Micro- film 4158

Papers of the NAACP

  • Part 1, 1901-1950: Micro- film 7357
    • Supplement 1, 1951-1955: Micro- film 7358
    • Supplement 2, 1956-1960: Micro- film 7359
  • Part 7, 1912-1955
    • Series A, 1912-1953: Micro- film 7360
    • Series B, 1916-1955: Micro- film 7361
  • Part 8, 1910-1955
    • Series A, 1910-1939: Micro- film 7362
    • Series B, 1940-1955: Micro- film 7363

Papers of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy, 1978-1981

  • Pt. 1; Meetings, Consultations, Legal Materials, Selected Subject Files, and Staff Report with Appendices: Micro- film 6636
  • Pt. 2; Records of Regional Hearings: Micro- film 6636

The Papers of the Society of American Indians [1906-1946]
Micro- film 7236
Guide: E77.S6 L3, Main and Main Reference

Political Reorientation of Japan; Sept. 1948, report of Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
Micro- film 7436

Potsdam Conference Documents, 1945 
Micro- film 2638

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Foreign Missions. Missions correspondence and reports: India
Micro- film 7110

President Kennedy and the Press (1961-1963)
Micro- film 6736

The Presidential Diaries of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1938-1945)
Micro- film 6433

Presidential Executive Orders
Micro- film 7645

  • Reel 1: 1845-1907
  • Reel 2: 1907-1911
  • Reel 3: 1911-1915
  • Reel 4: 1915-1918
  • Reel 5: 1918-1921
  • Reel 6: 1921-1925
  • Reel 7: 1925-1929
  • Reel 8: 1929-1931
  • Reel 9: 1931-1933
  • Reel 10: 1933-1934
  • Reel 11: 1934-1936

The Press Conferences of the U.S. Secretaries of State, 1922-1974 
Micro- film 4160

Proceedings of the Democratic National Conventions, 1832-1968
Micro- film 4806

Proceedings of the Republican National Convention, 1856-1968
Micro- film 4805

RAMP's: The Recovery and Repatriation of Liberated Prisoners of War, 1945-1946 
Micro- film 4741

Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Central Classified Files, 1907-1939
Micro- film 7405

  • Series A: Indian delegations to Washington
  • Series B: Indian customs and social relations
  • Series C: Indian health and medical affairs

Records of the Department of State relating to:

  • Internal Affairs of Argentina, 1910-1929: Micro- film 6389
  • Internal Affairs of Korea, 1910-1929: Micro- film 2122
  • Political Relations between Peru and Other States, 1910-1929: Micro- film 6390
  • Political Relations between the U.S. and Argentina, 1910-1929: Micro- film 4906
  • Political Relations between the U.S. and Other States, 1910-1929: Micro- film 4907
  • Political Relations Between the U.S. and Mexico, 1910- 1929: Micro- film 333

Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Series A, Subject correspondence files
Micro- film 7658

  • Pt. 1: Asian immigration and exclusion, 1906-1913
  • Pt. 2: Mexican immigration, 1906-1930
  • Pt. 3: Ellis Island, 1900-1933
  • Pt. 4: European investigations, 1898-1936
  • Pt. 5: Prostitution and "white slavery," 1902-1933

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945

  • Pt. I, 1942-1945, The European Theater: Micro- film 6634
  • Pt. I, 1942-1945, The Soviet Union: Micro- film 6637

Records of the United States Consulate in Jerusalem, Palestine: confidential correspondence, 1920-1935
Micro- film 7435

Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to United States Political Relations with Japan, 1955-1959
Micro- film 7439

Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Japan, 1955-1959
Micro- film 7440

Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
Micro- film 7149

Report on Condition of Woman and Child Wage Earners in the United States
Micro- film 6958

Reports of the Immigration Commission, 1907-1910
Micro- fiche 18 V. 1-41, Law Library

Schlesinger Library Vertical File for Women's Studies (1950s-present) 
Micro- fiche 1844

Senate Executive Documents and Reports, 1818-1969 (15th Congress to 91st Congress)
Micro- fiche 1416

South Dakota Emergency Relief Administration. Survey of Indian Reservations, 1935
Micro- film 4199
Guide E 93 .U6774, Main Reference

State Constitutional Conventions, from Independence to the Completion of the Present Union, 1776-1959
Micro- fiche 147

  • Series I: Conventions in the Thirteen Original States
  • Series II: From Thirteen to Thirty-three; Admissions to the Union before the Civil War
  • Series III: Completing the Present Union; The Seventeen Admissions, 1861-1959

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee Policy Files, 1944-1947 
Micro- film 4717 and guide

Strike Files of the US Department of Justice. Part 1 Pullman Company Strike of 1894-strikes begun in 1920
Micro- film 7411

Students for a Democratic Society Papers, 1958-1979 
Micro- film 4804

Superintendent's Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports from Field Jurisdictions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1907-1938
Micro- film 7077

Terrorism Special Studies

  • 1975-1985: Micro- film 7414
  • 1985-1988, Supplement: Micro- film 7415
  • 1989-1991, Supplement: Micro- film 7416
  • 1992-1995, Supplement: Micro- film 7716

Third Party Presidential Nominating Conventions, Proceedings, Records, Etc.
Micro- film 4807

Too Proud to Serve: Comment on Wh. H. Olsen's "Proud to Serve"... Report to the Hon. Fred A. Seaton
Micro- fiche 1518

Transcripts, depositions, consultants reports, and selected documents of the Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots, 1965 
Micro- film 1316

United States. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Part 1, Numerical file archive
Micro- film 6633

United States. Indian Claims Commission. Indian Claims Commission: general rules of procedure, promulgated July 4, 1947
Micro- fiche 621 I 619

U.S. Military Intelligence Reports, Mexico. 1919-1941 .
Micro- film 6679

U.S. Military Intelligence Reports: Surveillance of Radicals in the United States, 1917-1941
Micro- film 6728

U.S. States. State--Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Mexico, 1950-1954: Foreign Affairs 
Micro- film 7687

U.S. States. State--War--Navy Coordinating Committee

  • Policy Files, 1944-1947: Micro- film 6740
  • Agenda and Minutes of Meetings, 1944-1947: Micro- film 6740
  • Minutes of Meetings of the Subcommittees for the Far East, 1945-1947: Micro- film 6741
  • Records: Micro- film 6742

Vietnam: National Security Council histories (The War in Vietnam)
Micro- film 7027

Wartime Conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945
Micro- film 6739

Watergate: FBI Investigation File 
Micro- film 7430, reels 1-9 03430 8828

Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College

  • Series 1: Woman's suffrage: Micro- film 7406
  • Series 2: Women in national politics: Micro- film 7407
  • Series 3: Sexuality, sex education, and reproductive rights: Micro- film 7408