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SLE student training

Organizing and Citing Sources



Knowing when, where, and how to use citations is foundational to avoiding plagiarism in your academic work. As a Peer Information Counselor, we don't expect you to memorize every single type of citation style, but it's important that you become familiar with the citation support resources available to students. 

What is a citation manager?

A citation manager allows you to:

  • Import files and citation information such as author, date, format, and title
  • Organize personal research libraries
  • Share them with classmates and colleagues

Once you import a citation, you can:

  • Link to the original article
  • Save and take notes on PDFs
  • Organize your sources using tags or folders
  • Create bibliographies automatically
  • Create in-text citations

Your Turn!

  1. Explore citation tools to organize and manage your sources (e.g. RefWorksEndNote WebMendeleyZotero)
  2. See our citation guide for MLA, APA, Chicago, and subject-specific styles
  3. Check out the Online Writing Lab (OWL) from Purdue for a more comprehensive guide