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SLE student training

Implicit Bias

What is an implicit bias?

An implicit bias refers to a prejudice we are unaware of holding. While we might believe we are objective, research shows that each of us brings a lifetime of experience and cultural history into our interactions with others. 

How do implicit biases affect students?

Two of the most common issues — retention and academic development — affect all students.

  • Retention. Among undergraduates nationwide, 60 percent of white students, but only 49 percent of Latino and 40 percent of Black students, earn their degree within six years of college enrollment. When it comes to LGBTQ students, 33 percent report seriously considering leaving college due to issues related to their sexual orientation, including harassment and fear for their physical safety.[11]
  • Academic development. Majority students are also hindered by discriminatory environments. Studies show that inexperience with “outgroup members” (underrepresented communities) causes “ingroup members” (majority members) to feel anxious about interactions with underrepresented groups, such as fearing that they may say or do the wrong thing. This anxiety can cause majority members to respond with hostility or simply avoid these interactions,[12] preventing them from the myriad benefits of diverse interactions.


Implicit Bias Training

Your Turn!

This course will introduce you to insights about how our minds operate and help you understand the origins of implicit associations. You will also uncover some of your own biases and learn strategies for addressing them. Each module is divided into a short series of lessons, many taking less than 10 minutes to complete. That way, even if you’re pressed for time, you can complete the lessons and modules at your convenience.

We are excited that you are starting this process to explore implicit bias and what its operation means for your decisions and actions. Thank you for joining us!

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