This guide adapted from "Using SciENcv to Create Your Biosketch" created by Hillary Davis and Jason Ronallo of North Carolina State University. Our thanks to NCSU Libraries for granting permission to re-use and modify this resource.
ORCID enables transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Using an ORCID iD allows your manuscripts, grants, and other scholarship to be more discoverable and integrated within larger research networks.
The easiest way to populate your SciENcv biosketch is through an ORCID iD. If you do not yet have an ORCID iD, go to ORCID @ UA, create a new ORCID iD and connect it to The University of Arizona. If you already have a ORCID iD, you can connect your iD to UA.
When you’re ready to link your ORCID iD with SciENcv, go back to your My NCBI account and sign in again (if you are logged out) and follow these steps:
1. On your My NCBI landing page, click on your username in the upper right corner.
2. Use the Change button under Linked Accounts to add your ORCID account.
3. Click on the "Change" button and then search for "ORCID" in the "All Available Partner Accounts" section.
4. Select ORCID under "Login Account Options." This will direct you to the ORCID login -- enter your ORCID username and password. Authorize NCBI to access your ORCID account.
You should now see your ORCID account listed in your Linked Accounts.
5. Click on the link to My NCBI in the top right corner of the webpage to go to your NCBI landing page to go to SciENcv.
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