Eller Online Undergraduate Program in Business Administration

Market research

Market-share information can be difficult to find for some industries. Here are some places to start your search.

In a database like Business Source Ultimate, try some of these search techniques to help focus your search:

  • Company name AND (sales OR "market share")
  • Industry name AND (sales OR "market share")
  • Industry name AND ranking*

Databases for market research

Great places to start

More focused searches

Advanced tools

Market research ebooks

Use library search to find more ebooks on market research.

Advertising rates

Pima County Public Library resources

The Pima County Public Library (PCPL) has a wealth of business-related information on its website. Some resources (like the useful Business Plans Handbooks) require a PCPL card for online access. Other resources, like business directories, are free for anyone to access. To get a library card, visit any PCPL branch (the Joel Valdez Main Library and Himmel Library are closest to the UA campus).