The U.S. Census Bureau is a great source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data. Their Quick Facts might provide what you need, but you can also access specific surveys or databases that use Census data below.
U.S. national data, GIS mapping tool and analytics platform with data related to demographics, neighborhood conditions, real estate markets, federal income-eligible areas, money and income, lending activity, jobs and economy, education, health and more.
Data can be viewed by census block or tract in many cases, and city, county, zip code, state as well as congressional district, school district, state house and state senate districts.
PolicyMap data can be presented as maps, tables, charts, and reports. Unlimited address-based data can be uploaded for use in PolicyMap.
Access granular industry statistical reports. Includes industry financial analysis benchmarks for over 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends on thousands more. Market analysis reports are available at the national and local levels down to the zip code.
Click on "Academic Library Detected..." to enter the site.
QuickFacts offer statistics on population, age, gender, ethnicity, homeownership, education, income, retail sales, and more.
See the Pima County Public Library's business directories. Use these tools to research a specific company or to develop a list of potential competitors or customers.
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