Library search is the most effective way to find print and electronic resources (books, journals, videos, etc.) that are owned or licensed by the libraries at the UA, including the Arizona Health Sciences Library.
E-journals are licensed in "packages" or collections. An e-journal may be available in more than one package. Use dates of coverage to choose the appropriate collection to link to the specific article that you seek. And use journal search to find exactly what you're looking for.
Can't find an ebook?
The eTextbook search box searches only a selection of the health sciences textbooks in the AHSL digital library. To search for ebooks, use advanced library search. Type in your keywords, title or author name and limit material type to "books".
Once you have your results, select "Full text online" under "Show only" in the left hand sidebar. There are many e-book platforms so your experience will be somewhat different in each.