Case Files Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition by Eugene C. Toy; Gabriel AisenbergCase Files: Internal Medicine presents realistic clinical scenarios to enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Sixty high-yield cases illustrate essential concepts in internal medicine. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and board-style review questions to reinforce your learning. This updated sixth edition features a new format with bulleted summaries, shorter paragraphs, and clearer headings. New Cases on Metabolic Syndrome, Alcoholic Cirrhosis, Cushing Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, Polycythemia Vera, and Opiate Overdose Realistic internal medicine cases with high-yield discussions aligned to clerkship guidelines USMLE-style review questions and clinical pearls accompany each case Challenge Questions help you assess your ability to integrate and apply your knowledge Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like an experienced doctor
ISBN: 9781260469967
Publication Date: 2020-11-10
Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set by Lee Goldman; Andrew I. SchaferTo be the best doctor you can be, you need the best information. For more than 90 years, what is now called Goldman-Cecil Medicine has been the authoritative source for internal medicine and the care of adult patients. Every chapter is written by acclaimed experts who, with the oversight of our editors, provide definitive, unbiased advice on the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of common and uncommon conditions, always guided by an understanding of the epidemiology and pathobiology, as well as the latest medical literature. But Goldman-Cecil Medicine is not just a textbook. Throughout the lifetime of each edition, periodic updates continually include the newest information from a wide range of journals. Furthermore, Goldman-Cecil Medicine is available for all users of ClinicalKey, Elsevier's full library of subspecialty textbooks that can be accessed by readers who may want even more in-depth information. More than 400 chapters authored by a veritable "Who's Who" of modern medicine A practical, templated organization with an emphasis on evidence-based references Thousands of algorithms, figures, and tables that make its information readily accessible Over 90 supplementary videos, heart sounds, and key references Available in print and on a variety of electronic devices Supplemented by over 1500 board-style questions and answers to help you prepare for certification and recertification examinations Continuously updated by Lee Goldman, MD Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
ISBN: 9780323532662
Publication Date: 2019-09-12
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) by Joseph Loscalzo; Anthony S. Fauci; Dennis L. Kasper; Stephen Hauser; Dan Longo; J. Larry JamesonThe Voice of Clinical ReasonHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is the world's most trusted clinical medicine text--and a superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine provides the informational foundation you need for the best patient care possible. This new edition is fully updated with timely new chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal medicine. Written and edited by the world's top experts in their respective fields, this landmark guide provides comprehensive, accurate, and essential coverage of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Harrison's is world-renowned as the most authoritative source for: * Clear, concise schemas that facilitate the generation of differential diagnoses to reason efficiently through complex real world clinical cases * The physiologic and epidemiologic basis of signs and symptoms, which are covered through a wealth of unsurpassed expert guidance and linked to the disease-specific chapters that follow * Updated clinical trial results and recommended guidelines * Excellent and extensive visual support, including radiographs, clinical photos, schematics, and high-quality drawings * Coverage of both therapeutic approaches and specific treatment regimens * Practical clinical decision trees and algorithms * Organ/system-specific sections, with clinically relevant pathophysiology and practical clinical advice on the approach to the patient, strategies towards building a differential diagnosis, outstanding clinical algorithms and diagnostic schema, a wealth of clinical images and diagrams, current clinical guidelines, and general and specific approaches to therapy Harrison's remains the most trusted resource in a world influenced by endless sources of medical information. The most timely and comprehensive updates from the world's top experts are featured in the 21st edition: * Current coverage of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, from COVID to dementia to sepsis to multiple sclerosis to lung cancer * Updated content that reflects new approved therapeutics and new practice-changing guidelines and evidence summaries * More than 1000 clinical, pathological, and radiographic photographs, diagnostic and therapeutic decision trees, and clear schematics and diagrams describing pathophysiologic processes * Numerous atlases featuring curated collections of important visual aspects of diagnosis and management * Updated and time-saving curation and synthesis of established and new medical literature and studies * Clinically relevant coverage of disease mechanics and pathophysiology, and related therapeutic mechanisms
ISBN: 9781264268504
Publication Date: 2022-03-28
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine by Charles Wiener; Dennis L. Kasper; Anthony S. Fauci; Stephen L. Hauser; Dan L. Longo; J. Larry Jameson; Joseph Loscalzo; Cynthia Brown; Brain HoustonPrepare for certification, MOC/recertification, and in-service exams with the most trusted name in medicine: Harrison's Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 19th edition, is a completely revised and updated guide to help you prepare for your primary board certification, maintenance of certification/re-certification, and for in-service exams. An important component of the Harrison's set, this review reflects all of the most up-to-date material featured in the 19th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. This ultimate study partner contains more than 1000 revised and updated questions (and answers), simulating those on the primary certification exam. Integral to interactive self-assessment and in line with the core Harrison's text, the high-yield content reflects the weighting of subject matter included on the internal medicine board exam blueprint and spans the field of internal medicine.
Step-Up to Medicine by Steven AgabegiFind what you need to know--fast! This bestselling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and "Quick Hits" provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner to help you excel on your exams and succeed in the clinical setting. Also includes a 100-question practice exam to support preparation. Updated and revised content reflects extensive research with faculty and students. Figures, charts, tables, graphs, and mnemonics aid visual learners and facilitate retention of essential material. Enhanced high-yield outline format and Quick Hits save time and help students review more efficiently. 100-question practice exam helps students prepare for shelf and board. Succinct, outline approach keeps "extra" material to a minimum, focusing on the core content students need to know. Clinical pearls help students "file away" clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time and aid in the transition from basic science to clinical medicine. Easy-to-follow algorithms demonstrate examples of effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints. Coverage includes every essential area of medicine, including body system diseases and disorders; fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base disorders; hematologic diseases and neoplasms; infectious diseases; diseases of the skin and hypersensitivity disorders; and ambulatory medicine. Helpful appendices cover radiographic and electrocardiogram interpretation, physical examination pearls, workup and management of common problems on the wards, basic statistics and evidence-based medicine, and end-of-life issues and informed consent. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Call Number: WB 18.2 S8263 2020
ISBN: 9781975103613
Publication Date: 2019-05-08
Frameworks for Internal Medicine by Andre MansoorIntroducing an innovative, systematic approach to understanding differential diagnosis, Frameworks for Internal Medicine helps students and other learners think like clinicians and master the methodology behind diagnosing the most commonly encountered conditions in internal medicine. This highly visual resource uses a case-based, Q&A-style format to build frameworks that guide learners through each step in the differential diagnosis process. These unique frameworks not only equip learners for success during internal medicine clerkships, rotations, and residencies, but also help ensure more confident differential diagnoses in clinical settings. An innovative framework system presents an organized, logical approach to differential diagnosis unlike any other resource. A straightforward, case-based, Q&A-style format guides learners through the differential diagnosis step-by-step, teaching clinical pearls along the way. Cases in each chapter launch discussions of 50 of the most commonly encountered clinical problems in the field of internal medicine. Detailed introduction and robust appendix equip resident educators with valuable teaching assistance. Completed Frameworks included on line in a digital format provide an ideal mobile reference for students and residents on wards. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today's eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Call Number: WB 18.2 M2895f 2019
ISBN: 9781496359308
Publication Date: 2019
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics Paperback by Jonas Noe (Editor); Arvind Rengarajan (Editor); Xiaowen Wang (Editor); Zachary Crees; Cassandra Fritz (Editor); Alonso Huedebert (Editor)The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 36th Edition , provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today's fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. In one convenient, portable resource, you'll find complete coverage of every area of medicine and the core subspecialties--all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Discover why housestaff and faculty worldwide depend on this best-selling resource for day-to-day clinical practice in internal medicine. Offers brief, logical approaches to diagnosis and management of commonly encountered medical conditions, including new therapies that improve patient outcomes. Presents valuable content in a concise, practical format that includes easy-to-follow guidelines, tables, diagrams, algorithms, dosing, and treatment information. Provides a clear view of the challenges faced by residents, interns, medical students, and other practitioners, plus offers practical solutions, and expert guidance--all in one convenient and easily accessible source. Edited by Internal Medicine Chief Residents from the Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. The Washington Manual is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University. Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
ISBN: 9781975113483
Publication Date: 2019-06-06
Cecil Essentials of Medicine by Edward J. Wing (Editor); Fred J. Schiffman (Editor)