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TLS 539 - Recent Research on Teaching and Schooling

Step 1: Consider the research that you will be doing for this course.

Along with meeting the assignment parameters for this particular class, also consider how the topic fits into your larger research agenda and how you may want to integrate it in the future.

The library offers tutorials that will teach you how to become a better researcher, including one titled How Do I Create a Search Strategy?

Step 2: Launch Your Bibliographic Management Tool or Your Literature Tracking Tool.

Open your bibliographic management or literature tracking tool to keep track of citations as you search.

Step 3: Search for Information

Go from larger multidisciplinary databases to more focused resources.

For example, a potential search process could look like:

  • Start with Google Scholar
  • Next search ERIC by EBSCO - a comprehensive database that provides access to a vast collection of education-related literature, including journal articles, research reports, and conference papers.
  • Finally, do a UA Library Search - Searching a university library website involves using the institution's databases to find academic resources, such as books, journal articles, and research materials, relevant to your studies or research.

Pro tip: Additional education or other subject specific databases can be accessed by using the subject dropdown on the UA Libraries’ list of databases.

Try some advanced searching techniques.

Along with standard keyword searching, use some advanced techniques to improve your search success.

If you need to focus your search

Use phrase searching.

If you need to expand your search

Use truncation (an asterisk *)

  • Child* will bring up child, children, childhood, and any other word that starts with the root word “child”
  • Use OR in parentheses (television or movies or motion pictures)