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TLS 539 - Recent Research on Teaching and Schooling

Education Databases

Below is a list of our most popular education databases. 

Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) 

Find articles and documents in all areas of education.

Find journals, books, and conference papers on educational technology and elearning in this database, formerly known as EdITLib Digital Library.

Additional education or other subject specific databases can be accessed by using the subject dropdown on the UA Libraries’ list of databases.

Using Google Scholar with UA Databases

 Connect your Google Scholar/Google Searches to UA databases when you are out of the UA IP range.

(Avoid pay walls!) If you use VPN when you're off-campus, you'll only need to authenticate once! To see UA database results when you're doing a Google Scholar/Google search, follow these steps:

  1. In Google Scholar, open themenu in the far upper left next to the Google Scholar logo and select "Settings".
  2. From the settings menu, select "Library links".
  3. Type "University of Arizona" in box and select "University of Arizona - Full-Text @ UofA Libraries".
  4. Save.
  5. When searching, articles for which we have full text access will display with a link "Full-Text @ UofA Libraries"; select this link to access your article.