Articles from newspapers, magazines and trade publications as well as press releases from newswires and company headquarters can help bring to light current and forthcoming trends such as product launches, new patents, mergers and acquisitions, and other impactful events.
Scholarly articles from academic journals are useful for exploring deeper analyses of the business and economic landscape that require a peer-review process before existing in the information universe. Scholarly research may help you understand an industry or company's current and historical context as well as economic, social, environmental, and political impacts and drivers.
1. Rely more on keywords and phrases relating to your industry or a top company. When using business databases like Business Source Ultimate or Business Insights Global, you may still incorporate NAICS codes and stock tickers into your search strategy, but these will likely not be successful in interdisciplinary databases like Access World News, ProQuest, and ScienceDirect.
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Company and industry profiles, company brand information, business rankings, investment reports, and articles from business periodicals; coverage starts 1976 (varies by publication)
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Search over a hundred ProQuest databases, including journal and magazine collections, current and historical newspapers, dissertations and theses, primary source materials and other databases on the platform.
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