The main public source for financial statements is the Securities and Exchange Commission's database EDGAR (see link below).
For public companies, you can also find their 10-K or annual statement (referred to as the "glossy," which includes a letter to shareholders followed by the 10-K) on their shareholder or investor relations website. A simple search (in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.) for "[the company's name] investor relations" (e.g., Southwest Airlines investor relations) should result in the right site. From there, look for mention of filings, financial statements, annual statements, or company reports. At a minimum they should provide the "glossy", but some will provide all SEC filings. Examples: Southwest Airlines, Apple, and Sprouts Farmers Market
You may be prompted to login with your UA NetID to enter these sites. Follow the instructions below each database link to find financial statements.
Note: May require users to log in with their NetID even on campus.
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Available through UA Libraries databases. You may be prompted to log in with your UA NetID to read online or download.
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