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Scopus Training Module 1: Topical Search, Alerts and Analysis

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we look at the various ways you can work with your search results. You will learn how to:

  • Analyze your search results
  • Download document results
  • Export your results to a variety of reference managers
  • Create a bibliography

Tutorial: analyze your search results

In this video tutorial, we follow a research assistant who wants to identify trends in the published literature on coffee production. You will learn how to use the Analyze search results feature.

Note: The Scopus interface has been updated since this video was created. The links to secondary documents, patents and datasets (via Mendeley Data) are now at the top of search results.

Note: For the best viewing experience, select the double arrows at the bottom right of the player to view the video at full screen. You can also download a written transcript (Links to an external site.) of the video tutorial.

Rajen, an early career researcher, has just received his first major grant to explore the effectiveness of corticosteroids in treating eosinophilic esophagitis. He needs help with two major tasks: Identifying which journals publish the most in his research area and finding possible collaborators for his research project. In this exercise, you will show him how to do this by using Analyze search results.

  1. Search for “eosinophilic esophagitis” and corticosteroid within the default fields of Article Title, Abstract, Keywords.
  2. Select Analyze search results.
  3. Select the card “Documents per year by source." Here you can see which journals are the most important for him to follow based on the number of publications in each.
  4. Select the card “Documents by author” to find other authors publishing in this area who may be potential future collaborators for Rajen.


Note: Refer to the answer key (Links to an external site.) for this assignment to check your results.

Tutorial: Download and export search results

In this video tutorial, we follow a research assistant who has selected a list of results that he would like to save to his reference manager. You will learn how to download and export documents.

Note: The Scopus interface has been updated since this video was created. The links to secondary documents, patents and datasets (via Mendeley Data) are now at the top of search results.

Note: For the best viewing experience, select the double arrows at the bottom right of the player to view the video at full screen. You can also download a written transcript (Links to an external site.) of the video tutorial.

Rajen, the early career researcher exploring the effectiveness of corticosteroids in treating eosinophilic esophagitis, would now like to export a list of search results to his reference manager, Mendeley. In this exercise, you will show him how to select a list of documents to export, export them to Mendeley, and save his Mendeley settings so that he can export directly in the future.

  1. Run a search for “eosinophilic esophagitis” and corticosteroid.
  2. Select the documents in the results list that he would like to export.
  3. Click on Export. A new screen will appear – choose Mendeley as your method of export and then select Export.
  4. Update the export and reference management default settings for future sessions.

Note: Refer to the answer key (Links to an external site.) for this assignment to check your results.