If you plan to go into academia or produce scholarship regularly, you may want to consider registering for an ORCiD account. ORCiD is a unique identifier for researchers and scholars which helps with author disambiguation. Many publishers encourage or require an ORCiD when submitting a manuscript and agencies such as the NIH are now requiring it for specific grants.
There are funding opportunities through government agencies or private foundations, training grants, you can also find pre-graduate, post-graduate and early career grants.
There are many types of review methodologies. Please refer to the "Which Review Type" section of the following guide for clarification on some review types and for resources about conducting Systematic Reviews and Scoping Reviews:
For conducting a "Literature Review" the following resources may be helpful:
Use the "Library search" box on the Arizona Health Sciences Library homepage to locate books and other resources available through UA Libraries. Some resources are in print and many are online. Examples of e-books available through the library are listed below.
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