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Libcal Appointments

Getting there....

To configure your Appointment settings, login to LibApps

Then go to LibCal > Appointments > My Settings


Appointment Settings

Click the My Settings tab to adjust your settings. Anything that has a dashed line under it can be clicked & edited!  Some categories will not apply.   You will most likely work with following:

  • Appointment Duration:  set your default appointment duration for time slot availability (many folks set at 30 minutes with the option for users to book two session if they need an hour)
  • Appointment Padding: gap or padding between appointment slots
  • Patron Must Book in Advance:  how far in advance must a patron book the appointment (ex. 2 hours)
  • Patron Can Cancel Appointment:  limits ability to cancel (ex. patron cannot cancel less than 1 hour before booking)
  • Patron Book Window:  how far in advance can patron's see available times (ex. 2 months, 1 month etc.)
  • Public Nickname:  Use this to create a nickname to use instead of your LibApps account name (ex. "Life Science Librarian")
  • Friendly URL:  create a friendly URL to your scheduler/booking calendar
  • Directions: include direction to your office or meeting location.  this information shows online and in the confirmation email to the patron
  • Patron Reminder Email:  send a reminder email prior to the appointment
  • Patron Follow-up Email: send a follow-up email after the appointment


Appointment Instructions/Description

The Appointment Instructions/Descriptions text area is a great place to share more info about yourself or the appointment process in general. Just use the rich text editor and save your changes.

Patrons will be able to see this on the public appointment booking page by clicking on the More Info icon next to your name. It will also appear in the My Scheduler widget, as well.  It is recommended that you include a short description about yourself that includes your areas of focus or expertise.  For example: "i am the liaison librarian for the college of hotel administration...."


Creating Appointment Form

When users schedule an appointment with you, they will need to fill out a form. By default, the form will ask the user to enter their name and email address. However, you can customize the form to add additional questions, up to 10 total.

Common Fields Uses:  

  • Name* (Single-line Text Question)
  • Email* (Single-line Text Question)
  • How can I help you? Please write your question here.* (Multi-line Text Question)
  • Status: Undergraduate, Graduate/Professional, Faculty, Staff, Community Member, Alumni, Other (Dropdown Question) 
  • How would you like to meet (radio button)
    • in person 
    • by Zoom or Skype
    • by phone 
  • Major or Course Subject Area* (Single-line Text Question)

You can customize the form to add four additional questions, up to 10 total.
