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TLS 482 - Children's Literature in the Bilingual Classroom

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Overdrive from the UA Libraries and from the Pima County Public Library system

You can conveniently access these materials through the UA Libraries using your NetID and password. Browse the collection and manage your content with holds, tags and reading lists. The Libby app can also be used and if you already have Libby through another library, you can add your UA account as well.

From the UA Libraries

UA Libraries' ebooks

The Libraries offer children's and YA ebooks. Most of these titles are limited-licensed ebooks, which means that simultaneous access is limited to 1 or 3-users at one time.  

For more information about our ebooks, refer to our Ebook LibGuide

From Pima County Public Library

Get a library card (for physical books, ebooks & audiobooks) or an eCard (for digital media)

In addition to Overdrive/Libby, PCPL also has other ebook resources: Tumblebooks and Teen Book Cloud and these do not require a library card.