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SERP 549 - Introduction to School Psychology

Education Databases

Below is a list of our most popular education databases. 

Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) 

Find articles and documents in all areas of education.

Find journals, books, and conference papers on educational technology and elearning in this database, formerly known as EdITLib Digital Library.

Additional education or other subject specific databases can be accessed by using the subject dropdown on the UA Libraries’ list of databases.

Psychology Databases

Although many databases contain Psychology articles, the following databases are great places to begin your research.

PsycINFO including PsycARTICLES 

Produced by the APA, PsycINFO is the premier resource for finding research in psychology and related disciplines.

Web of Science 

Web of Science indexes information from nearly 9,300 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world.


Find citations for a broad range of scientific literature (including patents) and track, analyze and visualize citations by document, author, zip code, or institution.

PubMed (Medline)