This is a free set of tools for almost every stage in the review process. Tasks include automatic search translation (Polyglot), search testing against benchmark studies (Search Refinery), term harvesting (Word Freq) and deduplication (Deduplicator).
Citation management tool:
Search strategy development tools:
This is an R package that is available as a web application. litsearchr assists with term harvesting, Boolean search construction and search testing against benchmark studies.
PubReMiner is a tool provided by PubMed that conducts text mining and subject heading searches based on a set of relevant PMIDs. It can also help identify top authors in a field.
This tool allows users to quickly find relevant MeSH terms based on a set of PubMed IDs from benchmark studies.
Systematic review management software tools:
Rayyan is a free web-based platform for the screening stages of a review, as well as deduplication. It includes useful tagging and term highlighting features.
SysRev is a relatively new tool for screening and data extraction. It offers a highly customizable data extraction feature. SysRev's free version is useful for most reviews, and a paid version offers additional features.
Covidence is a user-friendly platform for deduplication, title/abstract and full text screening. It also has a data extraction feature useful for more standard Cochrane-type reviews. The free version is fairly limited, and thus teams may need to purchase a subscription.
DistillerSR aims to support all stages of the review process from search to reporting. It includes automation features. Access to this platform is only available through a paid subscription.
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