Open Educational Resources (OER) compiled by Jeanne Pfander, Librarian Liaison to the UA College of Veterinarian Medicine. Includes many more eBooks available for educational use.
The DailyMed database contains almost 150 thousand labels for human and animal drugs submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by companies. Entries include links to consumer versions.
The Visual Guides of Animal Reproduction, originally known as The Drost Project, is a collection of annotated images of bovine, bubaline, canine, caprine, cetacean, equine, feline, ovine and porcine reproduction.
From Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Created and curated by Dr. Maurice E. White. Search by diagnosis, or signs and symptoms across 8 species. Also includes a list of signs by system you can add to your search.
Free databases and repositories for Veterinary Medicine
Website includes a bibliography of human-animal interaction research and reports. Many of the resources are not full-text however they do have a repository where authors can upload their articles. May need to use other resources to acquire the full-text.
SEARCH is the USDA National Agricultural Library’s main search tool. It provides simple, one-stop access to more than 8 million records covering all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines including animal health and welfare..
SEARCH Everything for results from the Catalog and Articles database (AGRICOLA), PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections (NALDC). Or you can limit your SEARCH to PubAg by selecting it at the top of the advanced search form.
The UA Campus Repository provides open access to publications, presentations, and other scholarly materials from colleges, schools and departments at the University of Arizona, such as the School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences (ACBS) in the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES). You can also explore the UA Faculty Research community to find publications by individuals in the UA College of Veterinary Medicine.