Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement provides a minimum set of recommendations for reporting randomized controlled trials. It includes a checklist and flow diagram to provide guidance on the design, analysis, and participants through the trial.
Provides standards for systematic reviews by the Institute of Medicine including initiating, locating individual studies, synthesizing evidence, and reporting. To see the complete report online for free use this link.
Uses a search filter to locate systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and reviews of clinical trials, in addition to a few more items. Allows you to search with a few keywords.
"An international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews in health and social care, welfare, public health, education, crime, justice, and international development, where there is a health related outcome." Search for ongoing and completed systematic reviews.
Citation Management Tools
Special software can help you to organize your research and easily
create footnotes, citations, and formatted bibliographies. The four
basic functions of citation management software are:
Save references from research databases, or create new references
Add value to references with notes and keywords
Insert citations into a document
Format a bibliography for that document in a selected style (for example, Chicago, APA, or a specific journal style)
EndNote is bibliographic management software that you install on your computer. If you want to use EndNote, you or your department must purchase a license. Note: Some departments may already have licenses. The library does not license Endnote. Licenses may be purchased for individual use through the UA Bookstore.