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The University of Arizona

Arizona Health Sciences Library at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus: Using the Library

Contact Us

health sciences education building

Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB), 3rd Floor
435 N. 5th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 827-2062

Monday - Friday
Front Desk Staffed 8am - 8pm 
Extended Access 5:30am - midnight

Saturday - Sunday
Front Desk Staffed 10am - 4pm 
Extended Access 7am - 10pm

To ensure the security of the library, the main entrance doors are locked mornings before 8:00am, after 5:00pm on weekdays and all day on weekends. At those times, entry is via PBC badge or CatCard. If you encounter difficulties with badge access, please contact the PBC Access Desk, 602-827-2758.

Visitors to PBC Library

Library access is reserved for personnel enrolled or employed at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, as well as University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University health science students. Due to the need to manage occupancy, community users are only allowed on a limited basis with advance approval from the library director. 


borrowing information icon

Students, Staff, and Faculty of the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix, other University of Arizona colleges and programs at Phoenix Biomedical Campus, and Northern Arizona University College of Health and Human Services at the PBC campus may borrow from the library.  Books are labeled on the spine with borrowing status.

Reference books are In-Library Use Only

Reserve books have a 7-day check out loan period

Circulating books have a 28-day loan period and with automatic renewals.


library services

printer iconHow to print:

  1. Set up a printing account at 
  2. After creating an account, sign in. You must type PBC- before your user name to sign in.
  3. Add credit with a Visa or Master Card
  4. Upload your document by clicking Submit a Job, and follow the instructions. (PowerPoint files will automatically print one slide per page unless exported as a PDF with slides per page selected.)
  5. For more detailed instructions, see Printing at PBC Library Instructions.

Additional assistance available through PBC IT at or 602-827-4357.

  • Users may print in the PBC library (HSEB 3rd Floor).
  • Black & white prints are $0.15 per page and color prints are $0.25 per page.
  • Documents must be saved as PDFs or Microsoft Office documents (.docx, etc.) to print.
  • No copying available.
  • 8.5" x 11" letter-sized paper.
  • The printer  is located near elevator past staircase. 
  • Print from a library computer or wirelessly from your own device.

wifi icon


Users may select from the following WiFi options:

NAU - with an NAU ID and password.

UA WiFi -with a UA Net ID and password.

UAGuest - for all users. Connect then follow browser prompts to create a temporary username and password using a mobile phone.

EduRoam - for users from affiliated EduRoam institutions, including Arizona State University. Check with your institution for instructions on how to connect to EduRoam.

 Windows computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis while the library is staffed (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm).

computer icon

  • Log in with your UA NetID and password.
  • Temporarily save files as PDFs or Microsoft Office files (.docx, .pptx, etc.). Files are erased every night.
  • Each station includes an adjustable monitor, CD/DVD drive, USB ports, and audio jacks.  Headphones available for checkout at front desk.
  • Print from a library computer or wirelessly from your device. 
  • Computer monitors are labeled if they have special software such as SAS, SPSS, STATA, and Viso. 
  • Seek help with issues such as printing at the front desk.

Contact PBC IT for additional assistance: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm: or 602-827-4357.


Use a wide variety of software from home. VCAT (Virtual Computing Access Technology) is a virtual computing system for students and faculty that is accessible from anywhere with a broadband internet connection. 

anatomical models

Anatomical models are available for 4 hour loans in the library for students. Faculty may check-out models for classes. 

If you'd like to checkout one of the models, please keep in mind:

  • Models are only available during staffed hours for in-library use only
  • Please inform front-desk staff if you'd like to remove a model from the shelf
    • Staff can also help you access the models stored off-shelf
  • All models must be checked out at the front desk before use

charging icons

Small electronics including laptop/phone chargers, adapters, and headphones are available for 4 hour loans from the front desk. We do not loan laptops at this time.

Borrowing Information

You can borrow materials with your CatCard if you are:

Check out and renew materials

Use your CatCard to check out books, journals, and more. See what you have checked out and due dates through your account.

We will automatically renew most materials as long as there are no holds on the item and your library account is in good standing. You can also renew interlibrary loan items if allowed by the lending library.

Not sure if you can check out and renew materials? Learn what you can access at the library.

Type of material        Initial loan period  
General Books 21 days  
Reserve Books 7 days  


 Reference materials and anatomical models can only be used in the library during staffed hours.

Contact PBC library front desk with any questions (602) 827-2062.

Overdue & lost materials

Find out what happens when checked-out items are not returned by the due date. For questions about billing statements or lost/damaged books, call us at (520) 621-6442.

study rooms

  • Study rooms are provided on a first-come, first serve basis to UA and NAU populations enrolled in classes in the Health Sciences Education Building at the Phoenix Bioscience Core.

  • Rooms are not available for reservation and cannot be claimed for use later in the day.

  • Do not leave personal items unattended in the library. Items left behind for more than 30 minuteswill be removed and held at the library front desk in order to make the study room available to other users.

  • Study room users should choose rooms of appropriate size for the number of people studying together.

  • During times of peak occupancy, single occupants and small groups may be asked to relocate to smaller rooms if their rooms are needed for larger groups.

  • The library’s policies on food and noise apply within study rooms.  No eating is allowed, and drinks must be in closed containers.  All personal items and trash should be removed before leaving.

  • The Library is not responsible for personal property left in study rooms. Students should use the lockers on the second floor of the HSEB for storage of all items that are valuable or difficult to replace.

UA Librarian

Profile Photo
Victoria Caine


Profile Photo
David Bickford
Health Sciences Education Building
435 N. 5th St.
Phoenix AZ 85004