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Medicine Resources: College of Medicine, Tucson

Welcome to the College of Medicine-Tucson Resources page. You will find content categorized specifically for medical students, residents and fellows, and faculty, as well as patient education resources that all may find useful. In the spirit of life-long learning, there is quite a bit of overlap across the material available in each of these categories, so please feel free to explore all the tabs. If you have questions or would like further assistance, please contact your College of Medicine Liaisons, Ahlam Saleh and Angela Murrell.

General Information

Note: When you are off campus you will be prompted to login with your UA NetID and Password for access.

  1. Optimize getting to the full text:
  • If you are using PubMed, we recommend that you access it through the library website in the "Popular databases" section of the homepage or under Recommended in the "See Health Databases" section.  When you are viewing a PubMed article record, this will provide you with a linked icon that says “A Find Article” to take you to the full text of an article based on the library’s subscriptions or if it is open access.


  • Other library subscription databases (e.g., Embase, Cochrane Library, Scopus) should also have links/icons that direct you to full text based on the library’s subscriptions or if it is open access.
  • If you are using Google Scholar (GS), customize your settings to display library links for your institution. 

On the GS page, click on the hamburger icon (three horizontal bars) to the left of “My Profiles” and dropdown to select “Settings”.  Click on Library links from the left menu.

Type in the search box: University of Arizona.  Tick the box for “University of Arizona- Full-Text@UofA Libraries” and then click the Save button.



With these settings, you should see “Full-Text@UofA Libraries” link to the right of some of your GS search results. Click on that link to get to the full text.


  1. Get a working URL:  If you have a link to the publisher’s page for an article or a bookmarked URL on hand that is not working or asking you to pay, you may use the following page to get a library URL that should take you to the full text based on the library’s subscriptions:
  2. Library Search: This is the library's search discovery tool that allows you to search for a variety of materials in the library collection.  Access the Library Search off the homepage of the library's website.
  • You may use it to search for the full text of an article of interest.  Input the the title of the article in the search box, drop down to select title and then run the search.  If you see a result that matches the article of interest you searched for and there is a note "Available online" in the record then the full text is available by following the links provided.  If there is no indication that it is available online, you may use Interlibrary Loan (see further details below).



  1. Journal Search:  You may search for the name of the journal to see if you have access.  There are several ways to search including using the Library Search box, dropdown to select title and enter the journal's name. You may also click on "Find A Journal" located underneath the search box on the library website's homepage.  Some journal subscriptions may span different subscriptions and years of coverage. Be sure to click on the record to see what's available and for links to access.  You may then drill down through year, volume, issue, pages to locate the article of interest.

Find a journal on the library home page

journal search for annals of family medicine

  1. Interlibrary Loan: If the library does not have full text access to an article you are interested in, you may use Interlibrary Loan to request the article.  The library will get an electronic version of the article from another library and send that to you.  

Note: When you are off campus you will be prompted to login with your UA NetID and Password for access.

  1. There are several database collections that the library subscribes to that house collections of health sciences textbooks as well other material. Many of these collections provide the option to browse books by category and search for titles of books.  Some of the popular ones can be accessed on the library homepage by clicking on "See Health Databases".  You will see AccessMedicine and ClinicalKey in the Recommended section.

library Health Databases list


  1. To find health sciences textbooks on the library’s homepage go to Find Materials - select Health sciences textbooks.  This takes you to a list of e-books organized by categories.  This is not a comprehensive listing of e-books in each category, but you may find it helpful to easily locate e-books in a specific topic area. 


  1. You may search for known book titles or search by topic by using the Library Search box off the library homepage.  This is a useful tool to search for a variety of materials including books.  On the next screen that displays search results, consider using "Adjust my results" to narrow your search.  For example, you may choose to narrow by "Type of Material" and select "Books" and you may wish to narrow only to "Full text online".


Note: When you are off campus you will be prompted to login with your UA NetID and Password for access.

A select few of the more commonly used databases are listed in the "Popular databases" teal section on the library homepage.

ahsl homepage popular databases


To see additional health sciences databases, click on the “See Health Databases” link located underneath the Library Search box on the library homepage.  The link takes you to an A-Z list of health sciences databases. You may click on the first letter of the name of the database to find a known database or use the drop-downs to narrow results by various parameters. 


To see a complete list of databases (including non-health sciences disciplines), while looking at the Health Sciences Database A-Z list click on the "Clear Filters/Browse All Databases" or go to the top and change from "Health Sciences" to "All Subjects".  You will now see all the databases and use the drop-downs to narrow results by various parameters.  

On the databases A-Z list you may also search for a database by name using the top right box and then click "Search".