The databases listed on this page contain both Black-centered and more general resources. Those listed under African and African American are Black-specific databases that contain work from and about Black writers, artists, filmmakers, and more. The databases listed under Gender, Cultural Studies, Film, and More are more general databases that contain many resources about Black life in the U.S./Mexico Borderlands and beyond. These databases are provided by the UA Libraries for the UA community. Check with your university or local library as they may have access to some of these databases.
African and African American Databases | Databases for Gender, Cultural Studies, Film, and More
Search or browse over 160 books on all aspects of African American music.
Find plays by playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries from 1850-present.
Full text African and African-Diaspora short stories, folktales, and selected literary magazines.
Find full text articles from major black newspapers, scholarly essays, and literary works, from the early 1800s onward. Includes Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, and Chicago Defender from 1910 to 1975.
Find acclaimed documentaries, archival footage, and interviews chronicling the evolution of black culture in the United States.
Alexander Street Video transcript and subtitle features
Alexander Street Video Platform Accessibility Statement
Public performance rights: Viewing Alexander Street films in a group forum is permitted as long as the viewing is by authorized viewers (if not current UA students, staff or faculty, then they must be present on University property) and it is not for commercial benefit (i.e. no admission costs are charged and no profit is made from the screening, including selling snacks, asking for donations, etc.).
Find full text of non-fiction published works of leading African Americans, interviews, journal articles, and other material of 20th century topics, including politics, religion, history, and sports.
Find fiction, poetry, and other works by women from Africa and the African Diaspora.
Online content of the Chicago Defender which became the most influential black newspaper in the US within its first 10 years begins in 1909 and goes through 2010. Includes full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue of this newspaper.
Find citations to articles from alternative, radical, and left publications, 1991-present, covering racial and gender issues, gay and lesbian studies, labor, and more.
Find fully digitized early American newspapers, covering 1690-1922.
Content from the 20th Century American Newspapers series includes:
The collection includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals, exploring topics of cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community.
Find articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals from ethnic, minority, and native presses.
Alexander Street Video transcript and subtitle features
Alexander Street Video Platform Accessibility Statement
Public performance rights: Viewing Alexander Street films in a group forum is permitted as long as the viewing is by authorized viewers (if not current UA students, staff or faculty, then they must be present on University property) and it is not for commercial benefit (i.e. no admission costs are charged and no profit is made from the screening, including selling snacks, asking for donations, etc.).
Access scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
Find journal articles, books and book chapters, and conference papers about gender & women's studies, LGBT and sexual diversity issues, from 1972-present.
Find journal articles, books, and alternative and independent magazines in gender and women's studies, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender research.
Watch documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and feature films related to LGBT topics.
Alexander Street Video transcript and subtitle features
Alexander Street Video Platform Accessibility Statement
Public performance rights: Viewing Alexander Street films in a group forum is permitted as long as the viewing is by authorized viewers (if not current UA students, staff or faculty, then they must be present on University property) and it is not for commercial benefit (i.e. no admission costs are charged and no profit is made from the screening, including selling snacks, asking for donations, etc.).
Find plays, playbills, production photos, and other materials related to women playwrights, from colonial era to present day.
Find scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture.
Find handbooks, manuals, textbooks, etiquette guides, self-help books, instructional pamphlets, and how-to books that illustrate both how Americans actually behaved and how they felt they ought to behave.
Find the foremost titles in this subject area, serving as canonical records of evolving assumptions about gender roles and cultural mores. Subjects covered include parenting, education, health, psychology, family life, home economics, careers, fashion, and culture.
Find texts by women activists, 1840-present.
Find primary and secondary materials about the history of women in social movements.