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LibCal Calendar Events

At the University of Arizona Libraries we want the content for our websites, social media, marketing pieces, and other materials to be reliable, understandable, and memorable (UAL Editorial Style Guide). Our calendars of events, workshops, and drop-ins are one of the most effective outreach tools we have at our disposal, but have typically been managed by a small number of people. We are shifting this practice to give event organizers more flexibility and ownership of events, workshops, and drop-ins at UAL. This document/guide provides detailed best practices and considerations for those who are UAL LibCal event organizers.

The role of event organizer

  • The role of the event organizer is important. It includes creating, updating, and managing the LibCal event and being a point of contact for attendees.
  • As event organizer, your photo and contact information will be included on the event page. Please include a photo of yourself for your profile box. This helps people know who you are and who to contact if they have questions prior to, during, or after the event.
  • Outside partners/presenters/facilitators may be listed under “Presenters” and you may include their bio and a photo of special guests in the body of the event (see Image section for more on this).
  • If you are setting up an event for a colleague, who is actually the point of contact for the event, you may select their name from the organizer list and they will then have access to the event's registration list, will be able to manage the event from their LibCal, and will show as the organizer on the public page for that event.

General guiding concepts for LibCal event organizers:

  • Consider Your Audience. Events can be developed for very specific or very broad audiences; think about what your intended audience and attendees need to know about your event to foster full participation and engagement; design with that in mind.
  • Make sure Event Pages are Reliable and Up-to-Date. Our online calendar of events reflects the quality that our attendees will come to expect when they attend. We want to make sure that any information we make publicly available is as reliable and up-to-date as possible. You may update and make changes after an event is published, but do so sparingly to avoid confusion.
  • Make Events Easier to Find. Use short descriptive titles, friendly URLs, specific locations, and make sure that you've assigned your event to the best categories and tags.
  • Plan for the Future. Creating and facilitating events is a considerable amount of work. Consider creating a template for recurring events that you know will repeat, organize your files, fliers, presentations, and images, and consider how you will improve on each iteration of your event.

Key best practices and helpful resources:

Training & support for event organizers:

  • New LibCal users should schedule one-on-one LibCal content management team training and coaching on the publishing process when setting up their first workshop, event, or drop-in.
  • LibCal event organizers may ask for a LibCal content management teammate to review their entries until they are comfortable, but this is not required.
  • LibCal support: Jen Church-Duran