The libraries license EndNote V20 (XX) to the UA campus. For more information on EndNote including other free option reference managers, please see this guide.
The UA Health Sciences Library- Tucson has a license for DistillerSR for affiliates of the UA Health Sciences - Tucson Colleges
Available to UA Health Sciences affiliates who include a librarian as part of the project team (this includes authorship)
* Note this is not a comprehensive list. The article listed above by Van der Mierden, compares some of these tools. Also, you can look up tools using the SR Toolbox catalog listed above.
Abstrackr (beta)- free access software that allows you to upload search results, screen and organize records; video
Covidence- paid access; provides free trial but with limitations (can only upload 500 references, limited # users); video
OpenMeta[Analyst]- free access; cross-platform tool that assists with performing a meta-analysis