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Systematic Review & Evidence Synthesis Information Guide (UAHSL-Tucson)

How do I get help with a review project?

Evidence synthesis reviews require a comprehensive literature search. 

A typical evidence synthesis project requires 12-18 months and a team of at least 3 people to complete. The library provides limited support and requires reasonable lead time and expectations for completion of these projects. The Cochrane Collaboration has reported that comprehensive literature searches for systematic reviews may require 3 to 8 months for completion.

Contact a Librarian for Help

Health sciences librarians are trained in designing and conducting searches for evidence synthesis reviews.  At the Health Sciences Library in Tucson, librarians provide two levels of help as their availability allows: consultation and collaboration.

Initial meeting to discuss the project X X
Included as a member of the research team   X
Request that effort be funded by grant/contract supporting the evidence synthesis (if applicable)   X
Guides researchers to resources on evidence synthesis methodologies and standards X X
Discusses the proposed research question in relation to type of review X X
Advises on databases and other resources to search X X
Advises on citation management tools for the project X X
Helps locate any prior reviews and/or protocols X X
Suggests resources to identify appropriate journals for publication X X
Provides feedback on search terms X X
Consults on search-related methodology and search strategies X X
Included as a co-author on all protocols, manuscripts, posters, meeting abstracts, and presentations   X
Develops the search strategies   X
Performs the searches   X
Writes relevant parts of the methods section in the protocol and manuscript as agreed-upon with the review team   X
Suggests resource for investigating quality assessment tools   X
Manages search results throughout the review process   X
Updates searches before manuscript is submitted for publication (if applicable)   X


Librarian assistance with Systematic Reviews & Evidence Synthesis is limited to faculty, students, and staff of the University of Arizona’s Health Sciences.   


University of Arizona students, staff, and faculty with primary appointments in the following units are eligible for support from HSL librarians: 

  • College of Medicine-Tucson
  • College of Nursing
  • R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy
  • Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
  • College of Veterinary Medicine
  • School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness

Other eligible users: 

  • College of Medicine – Tucson Designated Campus Colleagues with an Affiliate appointment or Banner UMC Residents/Fellows.  

Pre-Project Help Request Requirements: 

The University of Arizona Health Sciences librarians will begin work on literature searches for evidence syntheses only after a draft protocol has been completed by the researchers. The protocol will inform the search strategies and resources chosen by the librarian. The protocol should conform to guidelines consistent with your discipline and type of review and include a description of the research question, the research team, and the evidence synthesis process you plan to follow.  See the left menu items on this guide for further resources on protocol development on the Systematic Review Guidance page or the Scoping Review Guidance page. 

Other UA Systematic Review & Evidence Synthesis Assistance:  

  • Students and faculty with primary appointment in COM-Phoenix should contact staff at the Phoenix Biomedical Library. 

  • Students and faculty in other U of A colleges outside of the designated Health Sciences colleges listed above should contact Elizabeth Kline at in the Main Library. 

Other UA Affiliated Users:

Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs) are eligible for access to Library-licensed information resources that are expressly licensed to support the University's educational, research, and outreach mission.  Many licenses do not allow for commercial use or use by those outside of the University.  For more details, please see LIBRARY PRIVILEGES here.


For additional help, review our evidence synthesis FAQs.

For help with other kinds of searches or information needs, contact your Health Sciences librarian.