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ChEE 442 - Chemical Engineering Design Principles

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Lara Miller
Main Library A403

Buildings and Spaces

Welcome to UA Libraries! We are open for business 7 am-midnight, Mon-Thu (weekend hours vary; schedule is here).  Chat and email with us from 9am-9pm, 7 days a week!

Finding places to study: Both Main and Weaver Library offer wifi, study rooms, and different places to study throughout the building. Here's what you need to know.

  • Reserve a study room (one-two person quiet study rooms or group study rooms available)
  • There are designated quiet study spaces throughout the library. In Weaver, it's the 1st and 5th floors.
  • For a silent study area, head to Main, room C318. See Main Library 3rd floor map

If you aren't able to be on campus, we have lots of content that you may access online - just use your catmail address and password when you are asked to authenticate yourself as a University of Arizona affiliate. See other pages of this guide for e-resources.

Physical items (books, journals, etc.)

Holds & pickups for items in the physical collection

You can request books and other materials from all University Libraries locations—including interlibrary loans.

  • Request materials online in advance, and wait for an email confirmation before coming to the library for pickup.
  • You can pick them up in the Main Library lobby (hours found here).