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Materials Science: The Student Chapter of the Materials Research Society Research Toolbox

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Lara Miller
Main Library A403


Register for an ORCID iD

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

Per ORCID's terms and conditions , you may only register for an ORCID iD for yourself.



A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you with your works across the Web of Science ecosystem (Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information.

Having a Web of Science ResearcherID [Registration page] helps to:

  • solve author identity issues
  • ensure your publications are correctly attributed to you in Web of Science
  • add dynamic citation metrics from the Web of Science Core Collection and other missing metadata to your publication records on your Publons profile, Web of Science, InCites and more
  • effortlessly keep your ORCiD up to date by linking it with your ResearcherID on Publons.

Assigning a unique ResearcherID to every researcher with at least one publication in Web of Science standardizes and clarifies author names and citations and makes your information search more straightforward and accessible.

ResearcherID is fully integrated across Web of Science collections, Publons profiles and InCites, and can be linked with your ORCiD, so you can be sure you are getting properly credited for your work across the web.