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The University of Arizona

COM Phoenix Internal Medicine

A Guide for the Department of Internal MedicineThe University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix

Getting Started

start at Arizona health science library website for library resourceswhite laptop with blue background

Start at the AHSL website to access library resources

When off-campus, you will be prompted to authenticate with your NetID and password to access databases.

Access library electronic resources from any location. You must use your NetID and password to access library resources from off campus. You can also use VPN to connect to off campus.

If you need help obtaining or recovering a forgotten NetID or password, visit for self-service options OR call University of Arizona/Tucson UITS 24/7 technical support line: (520) 626-TECH (8324)


pubmed logo

PubMed (UA/HSL)

Find bibliographic citations with abstracts to journal articles in the life sciences with a focus on biomedicine. PubMed includes MEDLINE and citations to NCBI Bookshelf items.


clinicalkey logo


Find journals, reference books, practice guidelines, patient handouts, and drug information across a wide range of medical specialties, as well as search Clinical Overviews/First Consult and Procedures Consult.
Note: some book chapters require registering a personal account to download PDFs.

cochrane library logo

Cochrane Library

Find results of controlled trials in medical research including systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

dynamed logo


Find answers to clinical questions in this evidence-based medical database, updated daily.

embase logo


Find biomedical articles from 1947 to the present covering topics such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and clinical medicine. Includes over 2,700 journals not indexed in MEDLINE/Pubmed.

psycinfo logo


Find articles, dissertations, and book chapters in psychology and behavioral health.


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Find peer-reviewed scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings across all disciplines.


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Find evidence-based recommendations for patient care and quality, as well as earn continuing education credits if you're a clinician.
Clinicians may opt to have their usage tracked for CME/CE purposes by creating an UpToDate Anywhere account.
Use Banner’s UpToDate if you’re a DCC.
For further information about using UpToDate, see our UpToDate Information Page.

CINAHL Plus Logo

CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Find articles in nursing and allied health, health care, and evidence-based care.


Web of Science

Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.