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Lara Miller
Main Library A403


Certain disciplines, journals, and document types may not be well represented in the more traditional sources for citation analysis, such as Web of Science.  In this situation, it becomes necessary to find alternative sources for locating citations to an author or published work.  

IEEE Xplore

Database Description

IEEE Xplore contains almost 4 million articles and papers from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer's (IEEE) journals and conference proceedings plus the IEEE published standards; Institution of Engineering and Technoloyg (IET) journal articles and conference proceedings are also available.  The subject of "Electrical Engineering" is broadly defined here and articles may be found from all areas of engineering in which electronics may be applied.   IEEE Xplore's citation information only covers what IEEE and IET publications are being cited by other IEEE and IET publications. 


  1. Find the article your interested in (search by author, title, etc.),
  2. Click on the "Abstract" link under the article's citation in the results list and open the full abstract,
  3. Use the "Cited By" button below title to see who had cited the article.
  4. Citations listed here are IEEE journal articles or conference papers that cite this item.
    (Note: if an item does not have a "Citing Documents" section, it may be assumed that this item has not been cited by other IEEE or IET publications.)


MathSciNet indexes the mathematical literature and has a special search features called "Author Citations". "The Citation Database is based on the information contained in reference lists drawn from certain journals covered by MathSciNet. Reference lists in all of the journals covered in the Citation Database go back to a publication year of 2000. A smaller number of journals have reference lists in MathSciNet back to 1997." 

  • Click on the "Author Citations" tab at the top of the search box
  • Enter either the author's "lastname" or "lastname, firstinitial" in the search box
  • If more than one author matches the search, click on the scroll arrow in the box and select the appropriate author (you will only be able to select one author at a time from the list)
  • A list of the author's publications that have been cited will be displayed.
  • In the left column labeled "Citations", next to each publication, is the number of times the publication has been cited by other publications in the MathSciNet database.
  • To see what the citing publications are:
    • Click on the cited publication's title in the "Publications" column
    • On the record for the publication, near the upper right corner, will be a gray box with "From References" and "From Reviews" links
    • Click on these links to see the citing publications


PubMed covers bio-medical and life sciences journal articles. Links to citing articles found in the PubMed Central collection of full text journals.

  1. Search for an author or article title to be cited.
  2. Click on the title of the item from the results list.
  3. In the right-hand column, look for the box labeled "Cited by X PubMed Central articles" where X is the number of times cited. 
    Note: if the right-hand column does not have the "Cited by" box, assume that no PubMed Central articles have cited this publication.

SciFinder Scholar

SciFinder indexes journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, technical reports, patents and dissertations in all areas of  pure and applied chemistry.  Tracking citations started in the late 90's.  

  1. Search for an author or article title to be cited.
  2. Click on the relevant article in your search results.
  3. Click the "Get Related..." button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. On the dropdown "Get related citations" below article title,select "Get citing" to see articles in CAplus and MEDLINE citing the original source..

Computing Literature

ACM Guide to Computing Literature - covers computing literature from the Association of Computing Machinery and many other publishers.  Includes books, journal articles, conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and technical reports.

  1. Search for an author or title to be cited.
  2. Click on the Author's name for citation data.
  3. If interested in article citations, click on its title to see if any other publications in the database cite it. Information on both downloads and citations is provided when available.