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LFA Mentorship Program

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Ahlam Saleh
Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL)

Welcome to the LFA Mentoring Program!

Glad you are here. Please read about the purpose and work of the committee in the box to your left. This libguide is the place to find information we hope will facilitate productive mentor/mentee relationships. Logistically, once the mentor/mentee matches are made, you will want to start with setting up a first meeting where you can fill out the University Libraries Faculty Mentor Partnering Agreement (see below).

The Agreement gives you latitude to design a relationship that best works for the both of you. Talk through each part of the agreement, so you are both very clear about expectations and responsibilities. You do not need to file a copy of the completed agreement with the Committee, but if you are willing to share,Paula Johnson will collect anonymized data on common goals and guidelines that pairs establish. Such information will be used to inform programming and the type of support the committee offers.

This guide is also the place to find copies of workshop materials. Content overall, will not remain static, so check back periodically. If you have any suggestions for material you wish to see included here, please send it to one of the LFA Mentoring Committee Members:

  • Ahlam Saleh (Chair) -
  • Teresa Hazen -
  • Steve Hussman -
  • Daricus Larry -

Best wishes!