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The University of Arizona

weird one- Library Toolkit for Professional Support Staff: NIH Grants, Compliance & the Biosketch

This guide will provide helpful tips and resources that may be relevant to the work of a variety of support professionals including: administrative assistants, administrative associates, program coordinators, and research assistants.

General Information

There are two in depth library guides available which are noted below. Additionally, if you need a refresher to get started in building a "My Bibliography" and resolving noncompliant publications, you may contact the library to schedule a visit to your office:

AHSL Contact Form

Citing & Reference Numbers

When submitting an NIH application, proposal, or report, reference numbers must be included in citations to applicable publications  which arose from NIH funded research. For more information, please see the following NIH Public Access Policy webpage.

NIH Compliance Library Guide

Biosketch Library Guide