Find citations and abstracts of economics literature from journals, essays, proceedings, books, book reviews, dissertations, and working papers.
Policy Commons is a public policy database that contains documents from thinktanks, IGOs, NGOs, and research centers. Some content is uniquely found on Policy Commons, and some documents are archived from inactive organizations.
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Web of Science indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
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Find archival coverage for articles, summaries, and citations in business, management, and marketing, from 1905-1985.
Affiliated with Eller College of Management, the Economic and Business Research Center provides Arizona’s citizens, educators, business leaders, and decision-makers with applied economic research, forecasts, and analysis of trends that impact business success and quality of life in Arizona. Learn more about EBRC and its research.
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