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The University of Arizona


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UA Librarian Phoenix

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Victoria Caine

Primary Care Guidlines

guidelinesSources for Guidelines

Many other databases also provide access to guidelines including PubMed, CINAHL, DynaMed , UpToDate, Trip, and ClinicalKey. Select a database and conduct a search on the specific condition (e.g. asthma) of interest.

Sources for Guidelines


Look to the left of the results and select the Guidelines option


Find answers to clinical questions in this evidence-based medical database, updated daily.


Find evidence-based recommendations for patient care and quality, as well as earn continuing education credits if you're a clinician.

PubMed (UA/HSL)

Find bibliographic citations with abstracts to journal articles in the life sciences with a focus on biomedicine. PubMed includes MEDLINE and citations to NCBI Bookshelf items.


CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Find articles in nursing and allied health, health care, and evidence-based care.


ECRI Guidelines

A free online resource that contains hundreds of evidence-based guidelines, guideline briefs and other materials.


Find high-quality clinical research evidence to support practice and care.