A literature review is a summary of the published work in a field of study. This can be a section of a larger paper or article, or can be the focus of an entire paper. Literature reviews show that you have examined the breadth of knowledge and can justify your thesis or research questions. They are also valuable tools for other researchers who need to find a summary of that field of knowledge. Learn more about literature reviews here.
Mendeley is a web-based, free-to-everyone (up to 2 GB of online storage) citaiton management tool supported by Mac, Windows, and Linux. It is also available as a mobile app. For more information, visit the Mendeley website.
Zotero is a free citation management application (supported by Mac, Windows, and Linux). For more information, visit the Zotero website.
OtherOther citation management tools are available, many for free. The University of Wisconsin-Madison has produced a very nice comparison chart of the popular citation management systems. For a very thorough comparison of many free and paid systems, check out Wikipedia.
American Psychological Association guide (used in the social sciences, and sometimes academic papers regardless of subject)
Chicago guide (used mostly in history, fine arts and some social sciences)
Modern Language Association guide (used in the humanities)
Government Documents
Acknowledging Sources: Citation
This tutorial helps you to understand the necessity of citing properly to avoid accidental plagiarism.
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