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Author Profile & ORCID

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the name ambiguity problem in scholarly research. It does this by assigning a unique identifier to each author. When ORCID is associated with a Scopus author profile, viewers can see the link to that ORCID on the Author details page.

To associate your Scopus author profile with ORCID, there are two options:

  1. Import your Scopus Author Identifier and publications into ORCID - OR -
  2. Send your author details to ORCID

​Both require the Scopus Author Feedback wizard. (To use this feature you must be a registered user of Scopus.) Sign in or register

Import Scopus Author Identifier into ORCID

  1. Open the Scopus Author Feedback wizard.
  2. Follow the wizard’s steps, finding the correct profile(s) in Scopus and checking the publications it contains.
  3. Once you have reviewed the profile and identified any corrections:
    • Your Scopus Author Identifier is sent to ORCID.
    • Scopus remembers your ORCID.
    • The corrected publication list is sent to ORCID (optional).
    • Any corrections you make are submitted to the Scopus Author Feedback team. You will receive an email with a request to confirm them.
  4. In some circumstances, gathering all your publications and determining a final Scopus Author Identifier may take some time. To help you with this, supply your email address to the Scopus Author Feedback team if:
    • Your work is scattered across many different profiles, or
    • Your name occurs very frequently.
Note: The corrections will only appear on Scopus when they are fully processed, which may take some time.

Send Author Details to ORCID

  1. Go to  your Author details page.
  2. Click ‘Add to ORCID’ at the top of the page, opening the Scopus Author Feedback wizard.
  3. Follow the wizard’s steps.

   Note: author details may be accessed from search results list, document details page, etc. by clicking on an author's name