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BCOM 314 - Business Communication

Search strategies

Market-share information can be difficult to find for some industries. Here are some places to start your search.

In databases such as Business Source Ultimate, try some of these search techniques to help focus your search:

  • Company name AND (sales OR "market share")
  • Industry name AND (sales OR "market share")
  • Industry name AND ranking*

Consumer and market research

Survey Data

These resources provide survey data on consumer behavior and preferences, including demographics, lifestyles, opinions, shopping habits, and more. Pay attention to the survey source (who created, disseminated, and analyzed the survey), survey collection dates, sample size, and sample demographics (e.g., adults aged 18 to 24 in the United States, adults aged 18+ who own a car, etc.).

Consider what kind of data you need. Some databases allow you to create crosstabs to better combine certain questions, answers, and demographics to tell a story.

Campaigns and advertising tools