EndNote is a desktop citation management product that allows you to collect and organize your references and instantly format your in text citations and bibliographies when writing papers.
EndNote (version 21) is now available through a campus site license provided by UA Libraries. Download EndNote here.
Setting up your EndNote "Find Full Text" preferences will allow you to find University of Arizona Libraries' full text of articles using EndNote's "Find Full Text" feature.
In EndNote, if using a Mac go to the toolbar under: EndNote/Preferences -> Find Full Text
In EndNote, if using a PC go to the toolbar under: Edit/Preferences -> Find Full Text
EndNote is not recommended for use with cloud based storage (E.g., Dropbox, SharePoint, Box, iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive) as the files may go corrupt over time. However, you may store a compressed library format (.enlx file) of your EndNote library there as a backup copy (see how to create a compressed library)
Here are some options to change the settings on Windows or macOS so that the area you store your EndNote libraries is not synced to the cloud:
For macOS- iCloud, see here: Change your iCloud settings
For Windows- OneDrive, see here: Choose which OneDrive folders to sync to your computer