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SERP 603 - Equity and Justice in Special Education

Your Librarian

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Main Library A208
(520) 626-3850
Subjects: Education, Literature


Use the resources below to help you successfully complete your research in SERP 603.

Learn about library resources for graduate students

Tools to help you annotate scholarship & create and annotated bibliography

Things to do:

  • Select a citation manager,
    • We recommend Zotero or Endnote
  • Learn how to use the citation manager you select 
  • Develop a structure for capturing annotation data
    • This guide can help you identify potential categories 
    • Test your structure in your selected citation manager and make adjustments as needed
  • Input data into your citation management tool

Tools to help you made connections to scholarship and journals pertinent to your research area of interest.

Connect to Scholarship:

Identify library databases in your research areas

  • Use the dropdown under All Subjects to locate databases in different disciplinary areas.

Connect to Journals:

Explore academic journals in your research area.

  • Tips for identifying journals
    • Note the journal titles from the articles that you locate in your database searches
    • Ask your professor for recommended journal titles
    • Use a tool like Journal Citation Reports to identify journals in your area of research. Follow these steps to locate specific categories including Special Education:
      • Select the Categories tab in the navigation bar
      • Click the See All 254 Categories link
      • In the search box type education, special to see a list of journals

Tools to help you locate relevant empirical, conceptual, and theoretical scholarship related to your area of research interest

Use the Sage Project Planner to help you get started. 

Use the information below to help you differentiate between different types of scholarly research.

Use the information below to help you select the research that will be the most useful you you