Find bibliographic citations with abstracts to journal articles in the life sciences with a focus on biomedicine. PubMed includes MEDLINE and citations to NCBI Bookshelf items.
Bringing AGRICOLA, PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections (NALDC) together in one place, SEARCH is the USDA National Agricultural Library’s main search tool. It provides simple, one-stop access to more than 8 million records covering all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines including animal health and welfare and veterinary medicine. You can limit your SEARCH to PubAg by selecting it at the top of the advanced search form.
Find citations about journal articles, reports, and conference papers from 1973 to the present in the area of applied life sciences, including agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, veterinary medicine, and the environment.
Produced by CABI, this public health database indexes journals, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents, theses and more from 150 countries in many subject areas related to health sciences.
One Health Cases is a curated collection of practical, educational case studies demonstrating One Health in practice. The case studies stress the interconnections between humans, animals, plants, ecosystems, and their shared environment in a truly transdisciplinary way.
A database of systematic reviews in veterinary medicine and science, produced by the Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine (CEVM) at the University of Nottingham, UK.