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U.S. Southern History from 1890 to 1970


Students analyzed digital primary sources related to U.S. southern history from 1890 to 1970. These lessons occurred during Unit 2 (the “Jim Crow” era) and Unit 3 (the Civil Rights era) of the course.

Learning Objectives

  • Conduct historical research, including the appropriate use of primary sources, to provide properly documented evidence to support an argument. 
  • Use other course materials (lectures, documentaries, assigned readings) to provide historical context for the primary sources. 

About this Lesson Plan


History, Africana Studies

Time Needed

Approximately half an hour in class discussing documents on Booker T. Washington in one class period and approximately half an hour in class discussing Ida B. Wells in another class period. The rest of the assignments occurred outside of class.

Original Course

AFAS/HIST 348, The South since the Civil War

Lesson Plan Created By

Dr. Tyina Steptoe, Department of History, University of Arizona, and Mary Feeney, University of Arizona Libraries