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TAR 145 - Principles of Dramatic Structure

Your Librarian

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Rachel Castro
Main Library B207
(520) 621-7146

Find plays & scripts

Don't have a specific play in mind?

If you are looking for a play, but don't have the title of a specific play, try these options:

  • Do a title search in the library search on Best Plays and you'll see lots of choices.
  • Do a title search in the library search on Humana Festival. These are all American plays.
  • Do a subject search in the library search on "motion picture plays".

Do you know the title of a specific play?

If you are looking for a play, and know the title of the play, try these options:  

  • In the library search, do a title search using the title of the play. If the play is available in the library, note the call number and find it in the stacks using the Call Number Location Guide.
  • If you're looking for a specific film, do a title search using the title of the movie.
  • If a title search fails, use a keyword search in the library search and type in the title of your play. Your play may be in a collection of plays; a keyword search will search the table of contents of some of those collections. Again, note the call number and locate it in the library stacks.
  • Browse the stacks in the library search call number area: PN 1997 (Main Library 4A)

Are you looking for plays by a certain playwright?

If you have a specific playwright in mind, or scriptwriter (for screenplays), do an author search in the library search.

Find scripts online

Can't find what you want?

Theatre Arts instructors also have copies of monologue collections for your use, so consult with them if the library's copies are checked out.  You can also find a number of used monologue books at places like Bookmans Entertainment Exchange.

Do you need to purchase your own copy of a play?

If you cannot locate a copy of your play you will need to purchase a copy. Good places to look are Samuel FrenchBroadway Play PublishingAmazon, or Dramatists Play Service. Plays usually arrive quickly and are inexpensive.

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