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Recreational Reading and Streaming Resources: Introduction

Wildcat Reads collection, Books that Matter, Streaming video resources, magazines.

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In response to student requests, we've launched a print collection at the Main Library for leisure reading, Wildcat Reads

Recreational reading is alive and well on college campuses, and we know there is interest in a wide range of genres, which we hope the collection reflects. We want to help relieve academic pressures with a little bit of escapism and believe that leisure reading can also contribute to mental well-being and self-care.

In Spring 2022, the U of A Libraries launched Books that Matter, an anti-racist, social justice collection with a shelf dedicated to the titles published by the University of Arizona Press.  The collection is located on the 2nd floor of the Main Library in the northwest corner, near the Bear Down building.  

This is a student and staff curated bookshelf that users can browse in person at the library, and all titles are available for checkout. The books on the shelf feature a wide range of identities, histories, and genres, from autobiographies to comic books. In addition, we have many eBooks available in this collection. You can find the entire list of titles in our Recommended Collection

Enjoy resources for recreational reading and listening

OverDrive digital library (Libby) is a custom collection of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and graphic novels, primarily intended for recreational reading (these titles are not intended to be used for course materials, as access is limited). You will also find titles in Spanish, French, and German, as well as additional languages.  

The free Libby app is the easiest way to get started.  All you need to do is download the app and sign into our library using your NetID to begin browsing the digital collection.  

This guide provides information on how to get started with Libby.

Kanopy offers a collection of independent films, classic cinema, and curated educational videos, available for free through the library. Pro tip: In addition to your university login, you can also connect your public library account to the app, which is available for download on some smart TVs.

Swank Digital Campus, on the other hand, focuses on popular movies and academic films from major Hollywood studios, making it easy for educators and students to integrate film into coursework and research. Both platforms enhance learning and entertainment by providing high-quality, accessible content.

Pima County Public Library

Pima County Public Library has locations all over the county, and offers an eCard for members of the community that can't make into the library.

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What's your favorite genre?
Fiction: 2 votes (20%)
Sci-fi/Fantasy: 3 votes (30%)
Young Adult Fiction: 0 votes (0%)
Non-Fiction: 2 votes (20%)
Horror/Mystery: 2 votes (20%)
Romance: 1 votes (10%)
Manga/Graphic Novels: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 10